Chapter 1

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Severide ProStar Football Agency was one of the most successful billion-dollar agencies in Los Angeles. Kelly Severide has only been an agent for five years, but he was flying up the corporate ladder. He just got promoted to top agent a few days ago; he was the second in his agency to have fifty clients. His goal is sixty-five, but people tell him he's taking on too much. No one can successfully or professionally manage sixty-five clients. But Kelly, being the hard-headed son of a bitch he is, was on a mission to prove them wrong, especially his father, CEO Benny Severide.

" Kelly." Benny said as he walked into his son's office. "Are you out of your mind?"

Kelly rolled his eyes as he continued to read some paperwork. "Apparently, I work for you, something I said I would never do."

Benny ignored his snide comment. "How in the hell do you think you can manage sixty-five clients? You are going to exhaust yourself; you will constantly be on the go and have no time for yourself. It's not healthy. You don't have anything to prove; you're on the top floor now, you've got this big office and an amazing view of the beautiful city of Los Angeles, and you are raking in money every second. What more do you want?"

Kelly sighed dramatically. "Dad, I've got a game plan. I know what I'm doing, and you said if I wanted the head agency job, I needed to prove myself. And this is how I'm going to prove myself."

"Son if you want the job, the job is yours, this is my agency. You don't have to prove anything or do anything. I told when you when came to Los Angeles five years ago that whatever you want is yours. Beside you started at an entry level, even though I didn't want you to, you insisted on being treated like every agent that started out on the first floor."

"I don't want things handed to me, Dad. I want to work for what I earn. I want people to know that I busted my ass to get where I'm at, not that I'm on top because I'm the CEO's son."

"That just sounds ridiculous to me. You could be the president of Severide ProStar Football Agency, but no, you're so hard-headed and stubborn, so set in your ways just like your mom."

"I don't want to be known as the CEO's son who gets whatever he wants without working for it. I'm not that guy, dad; I worked hard for everything I ever accomplished in life. You would have known that if you were around more. But your job and whores were more important than mom, your daughters, and me."

Benny looks down at the floor, for a moment, before looking back at his son. "Kelly, you know that's not true; I busted my ass to make it in this industry just so I could give you guys a good life. And don't you dare say you didn't have a good life, because you all did. You had a huge house, expensive cars, clothes, pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, a very high allowance; you guys went on expensive vacation every summer; you went to the top colleges because of me."

"I went to a top college because of me; you didn't pay a dime for my college education. I had a football scholarship, a full football scholarship, dad, remember?" Kelly asked. As he stood up and walked over to the bay window. "I had big dreams, a bigger dream than being a damn sports agent, and you killed that dream. Just like you killed Mom's dream of a career and a happy  marriage."

"Kelly, I wasn't the only one unfaithful in that marriage."

"The way I look at it, you started it. I mean, can you blame her after the tenth story came out about you and that model? Mom was done, so she deserved a little side action from someone who appreciates her?"

"I loved your mom; she was the best thing to ever happen to me, and she gave me my three wonderful children. I made mistakes, and I wish I could change things, but what's done is done. Your mom needs to let me go; it's been twelve years, Kelly."

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