An inescapable death

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I walked downstairs with Marvin then we saw everyone seated having a conversation, a woman was in their midst and she looked suspicious to the eye but she was backing me and I couldn't see anything so I would like to see. I walked faster to get there quickly then I saw who was seated and my mouth fell open. She stood up and walked up to me "Good morning, nice to meet you. I am Derya, the psychiatrist I am here to make Mr. Varnado feel better", Derya said as she extended her hands out for a shake while I managed to shake her.

Where did she come from and who brought here?, we have managed to keep the poison safe for the main time but I am sure she is here for it. Derya... Derya.... Derya....I won't even be able to expose her so soon because I will be caught myself. "Let us all have our breakfast, Miss Derya you will also join as you are a special guest" Mandy expressed as soon as she came to the living room.

"Why have you come to my house?" I asked Derya as soon as I sat down in between Derya and Doris. "You know why I have come so do not pretend" she answered. "Well, i do not know what you are talking about since it does not have a name" I said as I took my spoon. "Well, I came for my poison" she said as she took her spoon as well.

"You have wasted your time coming here for the poison which you will never get" I answered her. "time will tell whether I get it back or not" she replied casually. "we will see for sure because I will never let you have it and I will surely throw you out of this house soon" I added.

"Happy birthday to you...
  happy birthday to you...
  happy birthday happy birthday
  happy birthday to you Doris" Mandy and everyone sang as they sang for Doris while I sat down shocked.

After everyone sang finished, "Happy birthday Doris" I whispered into her ear. "Someone did not remember it was my birthday since he woke up, but thanks anyways" she responded. "And someone already wished you so why would it matter if I wished you or not. He has even made arrangements for everything so it is not my fault when it is not even as if we knew each other that much" I said.


I rushed into Marvin's room who was sleeping peacefully. I tapped him fast so he woke up and questioned me what happened. "There is more problem at hand and you are sleeping?" I shouted angrily "What is your problem, if you do not tell me what happened how will I know what has happened?" he shouted at me. "Okay, the poison is no more where had kept it and that means Derya took it, no one else could have found it?" I told him. " you are a fool, why didn't you tell me since?" Marvin shouted at me.

"Why shout at me, I did not know as well you said you will be in charge and make sure that she does not get the poison but she entered this house and in just one day she took the poison along. You were boasting all this time but what have you done, shame on you there is nothing you can do. If Derya infects that river today, I will never forgive you and I will make you pay for sure" I shouted at him as I head out of the room.

I ran as possible as I can to river, I saw Derya at the river bank. She was about to throw the poison into the water then I gripped her hand "Don't you dare try it?" I said as my shone red brightly. "Will you stop me today?" she asked. "Look, I do not want to be a killer so just hand over the poison to me or else I will destroy you" I said. "No",  she said then pushed me off but I grabbed her and pushed her down. I pinned her by the neck and gripped her second as I twisted it to collect the poison from her, Now I will kill her.

Her eyes shone as my magic flows around us "Please do not kill me, please" she begged but I do not know what came over me. All the anger that was built up in me subsided at once, "thank you. I have always heard that you merfolks are always helpful and have a forgiving spirit, today I have witnessed it" she added. Then I understood that she was under the control of someone so she might not also want to kill. I stood without saying anything then I backed her and walked away.

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