0 - Apart

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Last time we saw our two lovers they were making plans to spend the summer of 2019 together. To take advantage of the free time Taehyung's company was giving him for those months.

But it was too sudden. Sissi was having problems with work, and leaving everything suddenly would mean doing wrongly to her patients. She also would need to provide for a job while in Seoul. She couldn't go there and do nothing for three months.

Taehyung was more than thrilled to have her all to himself for that time, but to be honest he wanted to spend time with friends and family as well. Quality time. He needed it, after so many demanding years with BTS.

In the end, they decided to postpone Sissi's coming to Seoul for the fall and winter season. She'd have time to set everything in order. He'd have time to be with his cared ones.

Sissi would be flying to South Korea after Taehyung's trip with the other members to New Zealand.
And they'd be together for the majority of October and the entirety of November and December of 2019. She'd be going back to Italy the first week of January. So they could spend their birthdays together.

In the meantime, during that summer, they were apart. Missing each other but always in contact. Their bond growing every day, along their affection. Discovering more of the other person.

When a bad day happened, they relied on each other. When Taehyung's work was overwhelming, he knew she was the one to lighten some of the weight just by being there, across the world, but ready to support him.
When Sissi wanted to open up about his father's situation, he was listening, without judgment.

Her father drank. Too often and too much, which lead to a few incidents and later, eventually, to their parents divorce. Sissi told him she felt ashamed at first, and that it took her some time but she still cared for her father to get him the help he needed. So she was the one to take him to rehab and visit every week.

The situation fortunately got better, her father seemed to be doing fine and moved to Sardinia to spend his retirement in a sunny and peaceful place.

Taehyung's heart was full of awe for her courage. And he wanted for October to come faster because he needed to show her what a beautiful person she was.

Sissi too couldn't wait to be with him in the flesh, and help him in more meaningful ways.

They made their plans. They spent the end of 2019 together in Seoul. Then... Life happened. A decision had to be made. A difficult and painful one.




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I hope you are excited like I am. 😝

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What could be happening? 🤔

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