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•2 January 2020•

Taehyung's POV

I've never been so scared in my life.
The worst thoughts kept whirling in my head.

«Am I going to lose her?»

Everyone kept assuring me you were okay, that you'd be okay with just a few days of recovery.

And yet I lost you.

The incredulity. When I left the hospital ward, I couldn't believe it. After those three months together, when I was the happiest, when I thought we both were...

I halted in front of our-my apartment and I saw the flowers... in those stunning striped colours I chose, I remembered.

I hoisted them up before heading inside. There, I lifted the bouquet, magenta and purple striping the white petals. A card hidden among the florets.

I picked it out. Despite the fact I knew the words I would read inside, my eyes drifted along the printed personal message.

[ Happy birthday my winter bear!

Thank you for these last months. You helped me grow. With your selfless smiles and embraces. Your encouraging words and even your reprimands. You helped me find myself again.

Thank you for these and many more days to come. I will treasure you as you deserve.


태 ]

And yet...

There will be no more days.

There will be no more smiles, no more complaints, no more of your sweet accent calling fondly my name.

In the next days your things will be gone.
Everything will empty, there will be no us anymore.

Something hit me and swept everything inside me.

A void.

The card trembled, fell from my fingers. Shudders run my arm before I left the bouquet on the stand at the entrance.

I needed to get out. I didn't want to ever set foot in here again.

The hollow in my body pulsed and raged as I turned back walking out of the apartment.

I didn't know that soon the incredulity would become blackness, and then evolve into a gnawing sadness starved for memories of us in our home.

I didn't know that soon the incredulity would become blackness, and then evolve into a gnawing sadness starved for memories of us in our home

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Hello my dears!
I don't know how many of you are still here after so much time. I know it's been a while... 😅
Thank you for waiting for me. ❤️

So... This Prologue... 😶

A heads up: the chapters in Taehyung's POV will be this one and the Epilogue. The rest will be in Sissi's POV.

Thank you for reading and I hope you'll continue this journey with me, Sissi and Tae!


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