chapter five

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It was Monday morning.

I had spent all weekend trying to recover from Friday night. Not so much physically, but mentally. The shots of whiskey definitely made me nauseous before bed and gave me a pounding headache when I woke up, but I felt back to normal Saturday afternoon. Mentally, I was replaying everything in my head that had went down at Johnny's on Friday night.

My mom called me on Saturday and asked me how my first day went, but there was no way I could honestly tell her I was already way in over my head with this acting gig. Not to mention that I might already be in love with all three of my male co-stars...

My best friend, Erin, called me on Sunday and demanded the details of Friday night. I had sent her a few texts on Friday night, some I didn't recall, and she needed a play by play of how Jensen caught me after I practically fell into his arms. I relived the horror all over again, burying my face into my pillow. Erin assured me (through fits of laughter) this would all be alright and that I was in the right place doing what I was meant to.

I barely slept last night. I was re-thinking my entire career path until some time after 3:30 this morning. I finally fell asleep just for my alarm to go off two hours later. Great.

I drove myself through the warm July air to work with very obvious bags under my eyes. Are they going to fire me for showing up looking like this? I don't think there's enough makeup in the world...

I drove through the gates of the production lot and showed my I.D. I made my way to my trailer to drop off my things and ran into Nick. Nick. I almost forgot I had Nick. Thank god.

"Good morning, Annie!" Nick said with a chipper voice. Too chipper for 6 am.

I looked at him with relief and hope that he would help me navigate this first day. First things first: I'd need to tape my eye bags to my forehead to hold them up and just hope no one will notice.

"Hi, Nick" I tried to muster up some enthusiasm and politeness, but I had just rolled out of bed and I hadn't had coffee yet. I really prioritized my sleep over everything else this morning. I was still wearing my grey sweatpants and black hoodie I slept in last night, paired with some Ugg boots. My hair was frizzy from not drying it before bed last night after my shower, and I hadn't yet traded my glasses for contacts. The epitome of professionalism. Thank god for hair, makeup, and wardrobe. And Nick.

"Do you need anything this morning?" Nick asked with slight concern in his voice, matching his facial expression.

I stopped dead in my tracks.


After makeup and hair were done, I could feel the anticipation of seeing Jensen, Jared, and Misha again. Where were they, anyway?

Anxious thoughts crept into my mind while I stepped into my first wardrobe. Although I could admit, I was pretty excited too. I was given a casual top with a cardigan, dark jeans, and brown knee high boots. It looked great with my loose waves and natural makeup.

After wardrobe was done, I was walking with Nick by my side, sipping my coffee when I heard someone call my name from behind me.

"Annie, wait up!" Misha half-shouted from a group of P.A.'s. He finished his conversation with them and jogged over to me.

He welcomed me with a half hug and a smile. "How're you feeling, new girl? Ready for your first day on set?"

I gave him a sarcastic look. "Yeah, no big deal! Not like it's the biggest day of my life or anything!" I tucked my hair behind my ear and gave Misha a nervous laugh.

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