Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9

Start from the beginning

Arthur: certainly so the reason I said yes is because Y/N is a prince and for why I said no is because I'm passing my title of King to him

Y/N:Are you sure I'm ready for such a title dad?

Lilith:Y/N I believe you have the makings of a good king

Y/N:How so Lilith?

Krieg:well for starters you are a good fighter and I'm not talking about the time we fused either

Moze:You are quite intelligent as well as you and your girlfriends was able to detect that Angel was siren despite being new to our world

Roland:not only that but you also helped plan out how we got the vault key back

Y/N:well before I accept the sword and the position of being a king can we know who are with you father?

Arthur:of course son

The first knight steps forward

Arthur:this knight beside me is called Artoria Pendragon basically a gender swap version of myself

The first knight takes their helmet off to show a woman's face under it

The first knight takes their helmet off to show a woman's face under it

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Artoria:Greetings young one I as your father said am Artoria Pendragon

Y/N:greetings lady Artoria

Arthur:Up next is the greatest spearman of Camelot Lancelot

The second knight steps forward and removes their helmet to reveal man holding his spear by his side

The second knight steps forward and removes their helmet to reveal man holding his spear by his side

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Lancelot just picture the background is sanctuary and he is holding his spear

Lancelot:it is a honor to meet you my prince

Y/N:The honor is mine sir Lancelot

Arthur:the next knight is Artoria's daughter Mordred

Arthur:the next knight is Artoria's daughter Mordred

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