Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5

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After accepting Ambers and Xiangling's confessions I now wake up and smell someone cooking in the kitchen of the home my mother is letting me and my girlfriends (from the other universes) use

Y/N: Xiangling you in the kitchen?

Xiangling:Yeah! Breakfast will be ready in just a moment

Y/N:Do you need any help?

Xiangling:yeah can you setup the table?

Y/N:Sure I can do that

I then proceed to help setup the table which the others soon enter the kitchen

Weiss:Darling did you and Xiangling make breakfast for us?

Weiss asks as she sits at the table with the others in the harem

Y/N:Xiangling did the cooking for us today I'm just helping set the table for everyone

I tell weiss

Xiangling:What's on the agenda for you guys today?

Y/N:well I need to speak with my mother jean about something but I think Sona and the rest of my harem needs help unlocking their visions

Amber:That's gonna be a difficult thing to do babe especially with the time limit you have left in our universe

Serafall:She's right but if we are to learn of visions this universe then those who love you from this universe also need to unlock the abilities that we of your harem have access to which is Magic and Semblance/Aura within the time limit as well

Amber:This Aura from I remember from the viewing Orb Y/N showed me and Xiangling it is a barrier that surrounds ones body which is made from the person's soul right?

Blake:That is correct Aura is a manifestation of ones soul which acts a barrier for the person who unlocked it

Yang:Aura can also heal you so long as it's still up

Irina:By the way darling do you know what type of visions we would unlock?

Y/N:No I don't as to what types each of visions each of you unlock is anyone's guess you will just have to wait and see

Amber:Oh darling you remember qiqi right?

Y/N:The little zombie girl who helps run the clinic over in Archon Zhongli's town? Yeah I remember her why?

Amber:Well somehow her curse got removed and she was brought back to life but that's not all turns out she became an adult right after being revived

Akeno:Any chance we could meet her?

Xiangling:I have to go to liyue for some ingredients but I believe Amber has a picture of qiqi as if I recall in her own words "N/N is gonna be so shocked when he sees this!"

Amber:I do have the picture here see

Amber:I do have the picture here see

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