Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1

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After stepping through the door with the letters R W B Y above it we find ourselves in a forest like area

After stepping through the door with the letters R W B Y above it we find ourselves in a forest like area

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Y/N:Where do you think we are?

Sona:No idea to be honest with you

Irina:let's explore a little maybe we can find something or someone that can tell us where we are

Serafall: Irina's right we won't gain any info by just staying here

We all nod and begin to trek through the forest

Unbeknownst to us a bird is observing us in secret

3rd POV

The bird then transforms into an unknown individual

????:I better let oz know about this

Meanwhile up in a office at a building near the forest a individual is sitting at a desk drinking hot chocolate

Suddenly the individual gets a call

???? 2:Yes what is it?

???? (Call):Oz we got a situation here

Oz?:Whats the situation?

???? (Call):Six individuals just appeared out of no where and are trekking through the forest

Oz?:I'll send a few teams to intercept them just continue trailing them from the shadows

???? (Call):Roger that Oz

The call ends to which Oz? Then makes a call to several people in the building

Back with the six Y/Ns POV

As we are walking through the forest we encountered several strange beasts which we quickly dispose of

Y/N:This world has some strange beast inhabiting it

Ravel:True but we are able to easily defeat them

Katsumi (Mind):Y/N we have several people approaching our location from the east

Y/N (Mind):Right thanks for the info Katsumi

Y/N:Girls we got people coming our way from the east of us

Akeno:are they a danger to us?

Y/N:I don't know but be prepared for anything

Everyone nods as we then face the east direction and wait for the people to come

After a few minutes of waiting people begin to appear from within the forest

After a few minutes of waiting people begin to appear from within the forest

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