Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12

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3rd POV

As Y/N sleeps in his temporarily bed he is suddenly brought into a weird area

Y/N:This is weird... Where am I?

Suddenly multiple beams of light appear a few reveal people Y/N knows the others reveal unknown people

???? 1:My word where is this?

???? 3:I have no idea

???? 6:Well wherever it is must have something to do with Him *points to Y/N*

?:you are quite right it does involve him

Soon the individual Y/N met on his training free Sona appears

Y/N:It's you....

?:Yes now I have brought you all here so that you all can meet your potential leader of the light army

???? 7:What is this army you speak of?

Y/N looks at the individual next to him who nods in agreement

Y/N:The light army I am forming is to counteract the army of darkness that is spreading throughout the multiverse and yes I mean the multiverse otherwise we all would of never met in this space we are in

???? 5:He's got a point

???? 4:So the forces of evil are gathering it's members to form a army of darkness?

???? 2:which in turn you are forming a army of light to go head to head with the dark army did I get that right?

?:that's exactly right and who he recruits from your respective universes only he will know but do know this the army will be massive as it involves many people from each universe but for now it's time for you all to awake in your own body's

The mysterious individual snaps his finger which causes everyone in the space like area to disappear

Y/N soon wakes up seeing that it's morning

Serafall:Babe you okay you look like you had a weird dream

Y/N:You can almost say that Sera

Akeno:What was the dream about?

Y/N: Apparently I met several other individuals who seem to be from the other parts of the multiverse I was unable to learn their names though

Suddenly a note appears saying it's time for training

Y/N:Girls it's time for training one of you got get Weiss Yang Blake Velvet and I'll get ahold of Neo

Irina:I'll get them dear

We all nod which I immediately call up roman and let him know what's going on to which Roman says that neo will be at beacon shortly

Soon the door opens up and behind Irina are Weiss Yang Neo Blake and Velvet

Yang:So it's time for training?

Y/N:Yes it is Yang and I'm assuming it will be in the same spot as last time

Velvet:Um how harsh will the training be?

Weiss:It's really harsh as you will learn different ways of attacking and defending yourself as well as learning how to lead as well

Neo: 'well let's get going then'

Nodding our heads we head for the spot where the last training session was located

Upon arriving we see several mentor's

Gogito:Good your all here but to those who are Y/Ns new girlfriends I am Gogito God of all things Ki Related

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