7. The apology

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Previous chapter: 6. Advent

John's POV

I am so happy! Sherlock spoke with me during dinner and he seemed like he was enjoying it! After three weeks of him avoiding me, finally I can speak with him. Maybe he’s changed his mind. At least I hope. I’d be so glad to be his friend.

Today I went in earlier, because dad had no work to do, so he took us to school. I feel a bit disappointed not seeing Sherlock in, but I can do nothing against it. Meantime I'm speaking to Molly. She's a nice girl. Sherlock comes in at the last seconds. Ms. Riddle starts the lesson which is maths. I like maths. I understand it and I think it's exciting. It's logical and easy. (Author: it’s not lol)

After the double maths ends, we can go to have a break. I go to my locker to put my books into it and after I pull my exercise books out, I go to the library.

Since I haven't been there yet (on my first day I looked in, but it doesn't count), I am surprised how big it is. I wander between the bookshelf lines, hoping I will find something interesting. After some minutes I find a book, the Harry Potter series’s first one. I've already seen the movies, so I could read the books. I stand on my tiptoes, but I can’t reach it. Damn my short legs! I make a huff and try to find a chair to stand on when a familiar scent of apples hits my nose.

“Need a little help?” Says a low voice. I can hear he's smiling. He takes the book from the high shelf.

"Sherlock!” I say happily, turning around. I can feel his breath on my skin before Sherlock gives me the book and steps one back. “Hey, how are you?” I ask, being glad that I can start a new conversation with  him.

“Um, good, thanks… Uh, what about you?” He asks shyly and I hold back a smile. I can see he’s trying and it makes me happy.

“I’m fine.” I say and look into his eyes. They seem kinder and softer this time. Not as cold and icy as last time. I notice that they’re not just blue, but I can see a hint of yellow and green too. They really are beautiful - and I say this like an outsider, without any other reason. I lick my lips.

“You like reading?” He asks.

"Depends on what." I shrug.

"And what did you choose?" He asks. I raise the book which is in my hand, so he can read the title. "Hm. Seems it's a popular choice." He says.

"Have you read it?" I ask, surprised. Sherlock doesn't seem like a fantasy person.

"Obviously not. I don't like fantasy." He says with a small smile.

"But you said it's popular." I point out.

"Yes. You can see it's very used. There's a coffee spot on the side of the pages, so somebody must have been reading it while they’ve been drinking or eating. Means it was so interesting that they didn't want to stop reading. Obvious." He stops babbling, like he realised he shouldn't have done it. But I think it's brilliant. I don't understand how someone can be so smart. I mean, maybe even I could deduce this, but when he says it, it... Sounds smarter.

"Oh, yeah. Well, it must be good then." I say. We stand in silence for a while, but when I'm about to leave Sherlock stops me.

"John! Look, I... I want to say sorry." He says. I want to cut him off, but he continues. "I was so rude to you, while you were so kind to me. I know how I have to act with the bullies, but unfortunately I don't know how to act with those people who are kind to me. I know it's not an excuse." Sherlock gabbles. "So I just wanted to say sorry." He says, then turns around to leave.

"I forgive you." I say and smile kindly at him when he turns back. He looks surprised, but then he smiles a relieved smile.

"Really?" He asks and I giggle.

"Yes." I say. I’m so happy he’s changed his mind! Finally I can be his friend. "And what kind of book do you want to take out?" I change the subject and step one closer to him.

"Well, actually I brought back one, but since you’re mentioning, maybe I can find something else."

"Okay. And which book did you bring back?" I ask. He raises his book too, so I can read its title. "I am the cheese." I read it out loud. "Isn't it a bit sad?" I ask, but Sherlock shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not the type of sentiment, but I guess you already noticed this." He says and I nod with a smile.

"Well, yeah. And what kind of books do you like?"

"Last week I saw here one book which I thought was quite interesting. After the first death." He says.

"So you like the depressing ones." I say, pulling my brows together. After some seconds he nods.

"Someone likes this, someone likes the romantic ones. I like to be realistic." He says. A small smile makes its way up to my mouth.

"Well, yes." I say. "Maybe I can help you find something." I say. Sherlock smiles at me and nods. It feels so good that he accepts my help with pleasure.

After we start searching, we speak about several things. I learn that Sherlock has wanted a dog for years now, but his parents don't want to buy it for him. He tells me that in his childhood he loved pirates and his favourite movie was Pirates of the Caribbean too. While I'm speaking about my previous school my eyes stop at something.

"Sherlock?" I call him. "What do you think about this?" I ask, then give him the book. After he reads the title, he stares at me, eyebrows crossed.

"Extremely loud and incredibly close?" He asks.

"The content was interesting." I say. Sherlock looks at me, then back at the book and starts to read. I wait impatiently.

"Maybe I can give it a chance." He says after finishing reading. I smile contentedly. "I think it’ll be the best if we go to our next class." He says when he stares down at his watch. I nod and after we take out our books, we go to our lessons.

Next chapter: 8. Victor Trevor (04.12.2023)

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