1. The new neighbours - Part one

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Sherlock's POV


The sound of my alarm wakes me up. I turn around with an angry huff and switch it off so I can win a few minutes before my mum could storm in and shoo me out of bed.

Knock knock knock

Speak of the devil...

"Sherlock, wake up!" She says, knocking another few on the door, just to make sure I was awake.

"Mpfff..." I moan into my pillow. I don't want to wake up. At least not when it's school. I don't like to sleep on weekends, or when it's a holiday, because I don't like to waste my time with sleeping or eating or anything which is unimportant. But when I need to go to school, I feel like I could sleep the whole day.

"Hurry up, breakfast is almost ready!" I hear her moving away, so I sit up and let my bare feet fall to the ground. I stare blankly at them for a long while, but after I manage to stand up and am willing to get ready for the day, I pick up some fresh clothes and wander into the bathroom.

After I finish my shower I make my way into the kitchen, feeling as the smell of breakfast catches my nose. Pity I'm not hungry.

"Oh, you've got up, brother dear?" My brother, Mycroft asks who's reading the daily newspaper with a coffee in front of him. "Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up late yesterday." He says, happy to find a thing he can argue about. "I hope you know your experiments will wait you." I roll my eyes in annoyance. Why does he always need to be so fussy?

"Why do you care about me and what I am doing?" I ask, confused. I sit down on a chair which is far away from Mycroft. It's enough to see he's here, no need to even feel his closeness which isn't even supposed to exist in this area.

"Because you're my little brother. Am I not allowed to be curious about your whatabouts?" He looks back at the newspaper, continuing to read the boring and never changing news.

"Really, what were you up to?" Mum asks and gives me a plate of eggs.

"I just studied the flies." I say and push the plate away with a frown.

"The flies?" Mycroft asks with an ugly frown on his face.

"Yes, the flies." I stand up and leave the kitchen.

"Sherlock, you haven't eaten anything!" Mum shouts after me.

"I'm not hungry!" I shout back from the stairs. I grab my school bag and go down into the hall where I put on my coat and blue scarf.

I hate Mondays so much! We can't take enough rest on the weekends. The grownups have to go to work and the children to school. The school is even worse for me. I don't know, maybe if a person has friends, school can be more exciting, but I haven't got any friends, just enemies, so school's been hell for me. I shove my bag onto my back and go out of the house. I step out and feel how the cold wind flies through my body. I pull my coat tighter around me and start to walk towards the school. While I'm walking, I see Jim's car passing me, his friends laughing inelegantly in it at something I'm sure is absolutely not funny. They shout some dirty words but I don't give a shit. I'm already used to it - they shout with me every morning. For the first time these words hurt, but now I can easily ignore them. Those injuries will never heal that they caused me, but they will never tear up again. They just are, but they don't bother me anymore.

When I finally arrive at the school I go to my locker and after I put my books into it I go to my first lesson which is geography. Another thing why I hate school. They are wasting our time filling our heads with useless whatnots like geography. Just because I know where the Bahamas are the bread won't be cheaper in the shops. I've been telling the teacher that I will never need this in my life, but she's always just ignored me and continued the lesson. And let's just not mention the solar system.

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