Vol. 7: Chapter 5.4 - Segue

Start from the beginning

"Now then, Kushida-kun."

"Chairman, please call me Kikyou if possible. I'd feel a lot more comfortable that way since you're calling Kiyotaka-kun by his first name as well."

"I understand," the chairman smiled. "Now then, Kikyou-kun, the reason why I wanted to chat with you is to conduct a little survey. As much as I'm embarrassed to admit, I haven't had the time to converse with any first-year student this year-- not counting the talk I had with Kiyotaka-kun back in June."

"That's wonderful!" In an instant, Kikyou's enthusiasm permeated the entire room. "I've always had a funny impression of executive people because of TV and the internet. But I think Chairman Sakayanagi is different. You care about your students more than anyone-- at least, that's how I feel after seeing your resolve to protect Kiyotaka-kun."

"You flatter me. I'm just doing my responsibility as the head of administration."

Without much effort, Kikyou took control of the conversation. I'm sure the chairman had noticed, but he's just letting it happen.

"Not at all! I genuinely think that any other chairman would just ask their subordinates to conduct a sloppy survey to get depthless answers. But despite your busy schedule, you made this encounter into an opportunity to personally get to know some students," she explained. "If my perspective could be of help, then please ask me anything."

Something was different. Kikyou's angelic personality was still at the forefront, but I can clearly see her harsh and honest self alongside it. 

"The same goes for me. I'd like to contribute, if possible," I chimed in.

"Very well. I feel sorry for taking up your time, but if it's no trouble, then I'd love to hear your thoughts." The chairman leaned in to face us. "Then first, I'll ask a normal question. What do you think of this school?"

Kikyou and I looked at each other. I slightly nodded, urging her to answer first.

"I think this school is amazing," she said. "The school itself is very lavish and convenient, but I also understand that it's part of the design. I don't think the funding would put heavy emphasis on a student's quality of life unless it's trying to achieve something."

Even Chabashira-sensei looked intrigued. It was a completely different answer from the one she gave back in October.

"Of course, as a normal high school girl, I'm happy that I can still make friends. Everyday is fun, and I don't regret enrolling here," she ended her answer with a beaming smile.

"How about you, Kiyotaka-kun?"

"It's a very unique school. A classmate of ours described this place as a paradise. I think that's what everyone thought in their first month. As Kikyou had said, the campus is filled with top-class facilities, and the students will get a large amount of monthly allowance. The fact that we don't have to pay tuition is unreal."

"Did that image break after the first month?"

"It did, but only for some. Our class, in particular, was disillusioned on the very first day."

This school remained a paradise for those who were competent. With the existence of class competitions and special exams, the students are forced to fight the battle for merit, which the competent ones are more than happy to participate in.

"Thank you for your insight." The chairman sipped his tea. "Now then, for my next question, what do you think of your peers? Specifically, what do you think of the students from other classes?"

"I... honestly don't know how to answer that," replied Kikyou. "I have a lot of friends who belong outside my class, so I can't think of them as enemies. But... I want my class to win, so I'll compete with them fair and square when the situation calls for it."

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