Vol. 5: Chapter 7.2 - No Time for Breaks

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During the night of that same day, my intention to relax inside my room was disrupted by a couple of sudden calls.


"Good evening, Ayanokouji. Are you busy?"

The first person to contact me was an unknown number. But after hearing the other person's voice, I knew that it was none other than the student council president, Horikita Manabu.

"I was cooking, but it's alright."

"I see. I called to give you a warning. Once the second semester starts rolling, I will finally be stepping down as president. If you want to move against Nagumo, then you'll have to decide on your approach soon."

I sat on my bed and sighed.

"Then why not decide now?"

"That's ideal, but do you have enough information to make your best move?"

"Of course. For my source of that information... Well, I'm talking to him right now."

"I see. Then let's hear your inquiries."

"By deciding on my approach, your talking about whether I should fight Nagumo from the shadows or out in the open, am I right?"

"The fact that you're asking such a question means that you're considering another approach, correct?"

This guy, answering my question with another question. He's still as sharp as ever just as I'd expect from him.

"Yeah. I was wondering if I could just let Nagumo do whatever he wants."

"Based on what we've talked about last time, you must have a vague idea of what's about to come. Are you sure about letting Nagumo loose after he ascends to power?"

"A vague idea is just a vague idea in the end. That's why I'm still lying low at the moment. Why don't you just tell me everything that you know? Depending on your answer, I might just choose to fight him head-on."

Horikita Manabu scoffed as if he understood what I was doing. I wanted free information from him without making an effort, but I guess that's too ambitious of me.

"To be honest, I'm not against the idea of giving you every information I have on Nagumo. Unfortunately, I cannot help you when it comes to his true goals and motives. As much as I want to tell you, I'm not so sure of it myself. Only he knows what he truly wants to do."

"So even you can't get a read on him? Given my initial impression of Nagumo, I find that hard to believe."

Frankly speaking, I don't think Nagumo is anything special.

"You might be right, but that's just because we think too differently from each other."

It wasn't a matter of skill or ability. Their mindset and outlook on things were just too unalike. In other words, he doesn't find it hard to read him. Rather, he finds it hard to understand him. Of course, that's just speculation on my part. I haven't interacted with Nagumo enough to know just how different he really is from the president.

"I see. Then I'll accept any helpful information before deciding."

After a short pause, he finally started laying out the context for what Nagumo was potentially scheming.

"The school was built on the idea of meritocracy, but as you've noticed, things were never as simple as they were intended to be. While the ranking system favoring the class with the most points by graduation is still in place, a lot of incompetent and undeserving students are still able to experience those benefits as long as they belong to the winning class in the end. Meanwhile, amazing students with actual abilities are left defeated if they fail to carry their own class to victory. It's the glaring flaw of the current system that's been around since the school's founding."

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