💖/🥰 1k reader / Christmas special

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Its been a while...

writing against my own will! Woohoo!

Im turning emo. Help-


Ship: M!Screech x M!Rush
brotherly bonding.




Screech's pov


Floating down to the library on door 50, I was eagerly awaiting for something I've been looking forward to for a while. Ever since winter finally hit and the coldness has arisen, I wanted it to snow. One, because it barely ever snows at the hotel, and two was because I wanted to play in the snow. My dad said there was a high probability of it snowing earlier today, and I was filled with joy and anticipation.

I finally made my way to the library, approaching the doors and knocked. "Coming." I heard my other father figure call out. Large and heavy footsteps grow louder as Figure made his way towards the wooden double doors.

My dad opened the door. "Ah.. Hey Screech, what do you need?" My dad gave me a pleasent-seeming smile as he glanced down at me. "I was wondering if brother was here..." I quietly asked. "Yep." Figure said. "He's in here helping me set up the Christmas tree."

"You said I could help too..." I pouted. "I tried waking you up, but your a heavy sleeper... Come in." Figure sighed as he stood by one of the two doors. I made my way inside and immediately rushed to the tree. The tree was nearby the front desk. Rush put a shiny yellow ornament on the tree before he took notice of me.

"Oh, hey." Rush greeted. "Hi brother." I said, eagerly grabbing a randomized ornament from inside the huge box that had the words "Christmas ornament's" wrote in black Sharpie on the side. "Wait..." Rush kneeled down, making sure the ornament I was holding had a hook on it. "Alright.. Now hang it." Rush gave me approval. I hung my ornament near the top of the tree.

"You two can decorate the tree together, right?" Figure suddenly said as he walked to his chair and continued reading a book he paused on. "If you need any help, ill be right here." He said and let us continue with the tree decorating.

"Ok!" I eagerly shouted and started grabbing and grabbing ornaments. "Screech- I need to put hooks on them so they stay-!" Rush started snatching my ornaments and put hooks on top. I could hear my dad give a soft chuckle from his chair.

After we finshed decorating the tree, me and Rush were escorted out to play while Figure made sure the lights worked. I guess he didnt want us to ruin his library while he did so. "Rush..." I said. "Could we go outside and play in the snow...?" I gave him a pleadingly look.

"Fine... I know how badly you've been wanting to do that..." Rush gave in. And so, with that said, we ran outside to the entrance of the hotel. It already started snowing a bit ever since we started garnishing the tree up.

"Its snowing!!" I was so excited and jittery that I immediately ran out in the open and looked up at the dawn sky.

"Screech.. Dont get sick.." Rush reminded me and sat on an old chair that was parked near the front doors of the hotel. "I wont!" I yelled.

Not really paying attention to Rush's warning, I started trying catching a snowflake on my tongue. I ended up only getting about two on my tongue before they dissolved.

"How about you wait for more snow to fall?" Rush called out. By this point, there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. There was already icicles starting to form on the edge of the hotel's roof as well. I sighed before giving into Rush's suggestion. "Ok..."

After waiting a short time of about five minutes, I ran back outside to only find that a few more inches of snow had appeared. I was happy either way however, and I started making a snowball with my hands.

Rush came outside only to be hit with a snowball to the face, followed by a giggle produced by me. "Alright you little goober..." Rush smirked before starting to make a snowball of his own. He threw it at me and hit me in one of my tentacles.

"Hey!" I made another and we started having a snowball fight. We were dualing back-to-back and hitting eachother in various areas. Until, i surrendered due to Rush being quicker and basically drowning me with snow.

After a small truce with eachother, we started making a snowman. I rolled the base of it while Rush started making the middle of it.

"How about you go inside and get some supplies to decorate it with?" Rush suggested. "Ill continue with the body."

I ran inside and started searching for things I could find to accessorise the snowy man with. I eventually found a carrot from our fridge, a scarf from my closet, and several other items.

I also managed to convince Figure to hand me a set of lights, which I was also planning to add to the snowman.

Running outside, I found that Rush gathered some small rocks and a pair of sticks for eyes, buttons and arms. We started assembling the snowman and was pleased with the end product.

Rush turned the lights on and we admired our creation. The celebration only lasted a minute or so before my other dad, Seek, stepped out to call me and Rush inside for dinner.

After all of us entities ate our dinner, I checked up on the snowman one last time before I went to bed.


Words: 960


Early Christmas special I guess, hope you guys enjoyed!


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