🥰 M!Eyes x M!Halt

116 3 2


Their dating already 🤑


(also ill try to upload a part on most days, atleast 2 or 3 chapters per week, mainly at the beginning or end of the week.)

This week ill try to upload everyday and so far this is day 3 😊

Anyways, let me shut my ass up since ik u guys prob want to read already...




Eyes' pov


After a exhausting day of a randomly confident player using almost every hard modifer, all of us were pretty worn-out. Even though the farthest this confident player made it to was at door 17, they kept trying, almost making it to door 20. After about... 52? Runs, they finally gave up. But, this didnt stop the other confident and 'pro' players going up against other difficult modifiers.

In fact, majority of players added modifiers to their play-throughs. This gave me and the other, (Well, mainly all of us except for rooms entites, cl, jack... Ect..) a tough time.

I was just about ready to collapse before I even finshed my journey to my room. Once I arrived at the elevator, I was feeling my legs buckling beneath me, giving out if it was like as soon as I made my way to the elevator, it automatically made my legs fall asleep.

I tried my best to ignore it, just wanting to go to my room before they actually gave up on me. Quickly pressing the button, I tried my best to stand up, but I found it easier to just sit on the dusty tile elevator floor. I really didnt mind the dust, the only reason it was actually there was due to the hotel having no official janitor. So you really didnt have anyone to rely on if you made a mess. Sure, Guiding Light would sometimes clean up Rush's or Ambush's messes on occasion, but still.

Enough about how this hotel has no cleaner...

After the elevator dropped me off at the entites living space, I exited and made my way towards my room.

Not excepting anyone in my room, I opened the door to find a sleeping Halt in my bed. Smiling to myself, I made my way towards the bed slowly, as I didnt want to disturb my boyfriend.

Successfully managing to go to the bed without waking up Halt, I snuck into my side of the bed, which was the right.

I kissed Halt on the cheek and forehead before falling asleep myself.




Worries: 417


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