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"How was last night?"

"It was nice. I told him about my life... no tricky conversations. My uncles are all coming round later,"


"Dad's friends,"

"Oh right. That will be fun,"

"Yeah, it will be. My bedroom is still exactly the same, it's so weird. It is like I haven't been gone over a year but I have and it's... weird,"

"I am sure you'll have fun though. Do you get to stay at school?"

"Yeah. He lives like half an hour from you,"

"That's not too bad then. I packed all your things so they're ready to go,"

"Thank you. Sorry you had to see me like that last night,"

"Don't apologise. I am glad you feel better,"

"He said he was proud of me,"

"I knew he would be, you are amazing,"

"I don't wanna cry and ruin my makeup but I feel so relieved. I love it at your house but I am so excited to have my own space again,"

"Do you have a double bed?"


"Good," he said, making me laugh, "I will still pick you up with coffee,"

"No, Link. That is so out of the way for you,"

"You can't walk,"

"He lives near Jay, he can bring me. You can bring me coffee to school,"

"Maybe that could work,"

"I am an independent woman,"

"I know but I like to treat you like a princess. I wanna be able to give you the hot yoga mum lifestyle,"

"If you can handle me that long,"


I stood up from his desk and climbed on the bed so I was taller than him, leaning down to kiss him. He held my waist tightly, then I jumped and wrapped my legs round him, giggling.

"Stop squeezing my ass,"

"But I love your ass,"

"Stop," I giggled, kissing him again, "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"Esme, are you ready to go?"

Dad swung the door opened and we stared at each other for a few seconds, then he shut the door and Link put me down, both of us starting to laugh. It was one of those laughs where you couldn't breathe, and got tears in your eyes.

"Someone forgot the knock rule," Link said, passing me the bag, "I will see you on Monday,"

"Yeah. Can you write your number down?"

He did, then tucked it in my back pocket and opened his door, dad stood outside.

"Is this everything?"


"Alright. I am sure I will see you soon, Link,"

"Definitely. Have a good day,"

I took my bags downstairs, but dad took them from me and put them in the car, so I climbed into the passenger seat. He didn't say anything, but I could feel the regret that he didn't knock.

"So, I looked in your bags. Looks like you're okay makeup wise but we need some clothes and bits, yeah?"


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