Chapter .3.

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" Here comes the new boy." said a short bewitching blonde, while looking down from the window of a remote classroom, before continuing with a dead voice. " Walking by his own two feet into the casket. " 

" Now, now Lav, let's not talk about death so casually. He's a Hart, not a Potter." responded a slightly shorter brunette girl with an amusing voice. Silently laughing at her own joke before turning to her usually monochromatic friend seeming distracted. She followed Lavender's line of sight to an area right behind the boy as he introduced himself to the hyperactive red-head, to find nothing there. She gulped before making a sound, she didn't want to ask the question. For she knew far too well what followed.

" What do you see, Lav?" she finally asked.

" A spirit, a woman, clinging to him. She doesn't want him to be here. She, she wants him to - run, run far away!" Lavender shivered as she spit out the words, on the verge of crying. 

" Yeah, her and me both." The girl, Ivy said wrapping her hands tightly around the only person she would remotely consider her friend. Lavender took a deep breath, completely ignoring Ivy's words before composing herself. " Must be on my way now. The dean asked me to the give him a tour of this shrivelling casket, can you imagine? In what way or form do I seem welcoming to him?" she said, before taking a leave. Leaving Ivy on her own to practice her archery on some frantic and plump baby pigs. 

Prescott stretched his limbs nervously going back and forth infront of the enchanting entrance of the terrifyingly beautiful school. It was a large dark blood-red metal gate with intricate design and structure. With a huge sign on the brick walls fencing the entire property was a black tile and on it carved in big bold letters - "HELL'S GARDEN ACADEMY ".

It made shivers run down his spine. The peculiar thing was the brick wall was entirely black. It truly seemed like the entrance to Hell. His own personal hell. He dreaded this moment, he had never lived without his father and little sister, he had never been alone. And here he was left at the gate of a freaky boarding school with his luggage placed on the ground.

However dreaded he was there was another voice inside his head that yipped and cheered to go inside. Almost as if, hell was home. Prescott was stuck in an all too confusing paradox. He swayed towards the gate in excitement at one moment, swinging back away from it terrified the next.

The voice of someone clearing their throat snapped him out of his outburst, to glance at the source - a boy, slightly taller than him with pale, rosy skin and messy red hair. Prescott gaped like a fish at the sight, the person in front of him was so enchanting, so majestic, so, so... Angelic.

He worried with his recent episode, the beauty must've thought he was freaking bipolar! His train of thought was once again interrupted by high pitched laughter to see the redhead bent almost kneeling on the ground holding on to his stomach wheezing by now.

" Sorry, sorry, that was so funny, man! You acted like insane and shit. But, but don't worry, there's crazier people in there. You'll fit right in then. " said the redhead finally getting back on his feet.

" Yeah, sorry about that." said Prescott embarrassed and sticking his hand out, "I'm Prescott Scott, I'm starting here from tomorrow, I think." The boy shook his hand and gave him a smile.

" Wait, your name is Prescott... Scott. Who would do that you, you poor thing? It's kind of catchy though, Prescott Scott, Scott Scott, Pressy Scotty Scott. " he said, " We could introduce you to the pretty girls like that - my friend Pressy Scott Scott. Or guys, or Ace, whoever you're into. Don't fall in love with me though. Not the because of the gay thing, people just tend to fall in love with me, heterosexuals, homosexuals alike. "

" People just tend to, " he paused tasting the words in his mouth, " fall in love with you? " he asked, extremely confused, although he could understand the appeal.

" Yeah, yes. You know, existential hazard with being an Angel. " replied the redhead before realizing he hadn't yet introduced himself. " Never mind that, I'm Asher Rousseau, and as you might have noticed I tend to run off an a tangent sometimes. "

Prescott wondered what kind of person would call themselves an angel. But he found Asher to be quite a fun character. Maybe he would like this place, after all.

" So, I'm your tour guide, well not just me someone else is supposed to be here as well." he said before turning around to look for someone, and right on cue Lavender glided down to them. Asher gaped at the sight of the mesmerizing witch, as he had often found himself doing. She truly was breath-taking with her dirty blonde curls framing her face, thick brown eyebrows plump orangish lips and her eyes. Oh her wide eyes, one light blue the other sea green. However, what always perplexed him was how dead and empty they were. 

Whenever anyone looked at her it was if a dark cloud of gloom surrounded her, and she always wore her signature long dresses or skirts that brushed the ground around her. If it wasn't for the compulsory school uniform, one must've thought she had no legs, as if she was just floating around the school properties like the campus ghost. 

Lavender loudly cleared her throat as both the new boy and the creepy redhead stared at her, she could see a hint of fear in the former's eyes. She slightly smirked at that. " Now then, I am Lavender Vitale and you are Prescott. We must rush, I see you have quite a lot of stuff. It would be a shame to carry it around. I'll send it to the smelly boy dorms." she said stoically turning around as the lanky boxes and bags disappeared in thin air.  "We'll give you a quick tour. Afterall, unfortunately we must make it to lunches soon. And I have to sharpen a crested dagger at sundown. Hurry, you muggles." she thundered growing impatient. 

Asher stared gobsmacked at the girl, no, woman in all her glory. He had never seen her show an emotion, and well her anger was ... interesting. He soon found himself thinking about befriending her and marrying her and such sweet domestic life with two adorable little, hamsters. 

Prescott let out a guttural scream at the unimaginable actions of the girl as they turned to him wide-eyed at his mumblings of 'what' 'how' pointing at the ground where his luggage laid a moment ago. The ground had slipped from under his feet. Asher gasped and gently grabbed Lavender's arms and shook her with fear evident in his eyes. " He doesn't know? He's going to die in there!" She let out a deep sigh, " Well. Shit."

The subject of their fear fell back and pulled at his hair maddeningly as everything came rushing to his head like pieces of a puzzle. He's a wolf, strange town, family of wolves, creepy boarding school, ' existential crisis of being an ANGEL',  'I'll just send it to your room'.  

And the voice in his head cheered at his realisation as if it was waiting for his dumb little head to figure it out. It was real, everything he had read in books about supernaturals, all the old wives' tales his mother told him were true. And everyone except him knew.

He sat back up his left leg stretched out, right foot bent with the right hand stretched out on it and his left hand supported his body, he looked up from his messed up hair. However, his caramel eyes held uncertainty, hurt and a fire as stared right at the sign on brick wall right behind Lav and Ash, once again. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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