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     Ellie decided that looking out the window was too much for her to take in. Everything was too much. She started to hyperventilate and get light-headed. The same woman that she had talked to earlier trotted across to the other side of the bus, trying not to fall and sat next to her. The woman put her hand on Eleanor's shoulder and told her to take deep breaths and count to three until she felt like she could breathe normally again. But even though it is harder done than it is said, Ellie followed her instructions and it worked for her. She hugged the lady while thinking worried about her father and sorrowful about her mother, the lady hugged her back. This was the kind of thing Ellie needed in her life, right now at least.

     After several speed bumps, fires, raging people and oil spills on the road, the bus parked in the New Bedford's parking lot for "Reserved vehicles of the Shelter Only". I guess no one really knew that by getting on this bus, you'd get a free ride and entrance into the only safe shelter. Or so they thought. When everyone got off the bus, it drove off into the distance. Ellie saw her father being dragged inside the "Hospitality Care Center'' while she just followed the people in front of her. It reminded her of a prison, different blocks, and the same property. One block for the sick, one block for the citizens, one block for the immigrants and one for the emergency exit plan into the basement of the shelter, at least that is what a rusty, old sign wrote, hanging off the backdoor entrance.

     A man in a bee repellent looking suit stood at the back door entrance of the same building as the crowded one with maniacs protesting and screaming. He asked everyone for their money and anything they had, along with numerous questions. Ellie was up for the questioning. Using some of her common sense that she had left, she answered positively and honestly. The man did not seem to be bothered with the fact Ellie did not bring anything with her and was practically broke. He finally allowed her into the four walls that would keep them safe and he escorted her to room 325.

     Eleanor was not troubled with the fact that a graphic news report was being projected onto the big front entrance wall as she walked up the flight of metal stairs. Hundreds of people just stood there, standing there, looking up at the big screen and in shock. They looked like real-life zombies.

     Ellie dreamed about this 'pathogen' in warfare, a while back when everything was perfect, when her mom was around, when her dad could walk, when she was not afraid to talk. Her dream of course was not pretty, infected, dead people biting each other to transmit disease. She can still remember the feeling, being entirely alone, hungry, scared, hurt. It was a very vivid dream, and she knew now that this was happening, and there is nothing she can do to stop it.

     The news continued to project scenes of graphic violence, cannibalism among canada and parts of the U.S. Ellie just shook her head in hope that this was an extension of her dream, but it was not, she kept following the guy up the stairs, and almost lost where he was going because she had her eyes glued to the blue-light. The man guided her into the cell with his hand and told her all of the rules and regulations, slowly, very slowly. He also told Ellie that her father is healing and will be okay to walk in a few days. Eleanor is still extremely confused as to what happened to her father that morning, why the cops took her, why she was special, but not the people being rejected to get in the shelter.

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