Ch-29 | wasn't he

Start from the beginning

"now you better delete it" Niki says to the girl

"I'll think about it" Karina answers turning away from his gaze

"it won't work if that video is up on social media" Niki says walking up to her

"I am enjoying the drama let's wait till tonight" Karina says with a smirk

"is that the best you can do?" the boy asked her walking beside her with a pout

"of please you look like an ugly duck don't pout infront of me" Karina says as she chuckles at Niki's expression

"Rina let's go" a girl called out to her making the duo ditle their heads towards the direction

"well I gotta go bye" Karina says with her sassy wave

"just don't forget about that thing" Niki says walking to anywhere but away from the girls' direction

As he walked pass by the hallway he could hear the students gossiping about the hot topic at the university

"I didn't think someone like him would even cheat"

"come on he is already so spoiled"

"I thought he would be better than this"

"isn't that Niki? he looks like he is angry I mean who wouldn't be"

"I would have beaten him up if I were Niki or even one of thr players"

"I remember Jay picking on Niki today morning"

"heads off to whoever exposed that jerk he is so full of himself"

"I hope they kick him out of their team Sunghoon must be pissed"

"are you sure it was him"

The confused and annoyed boy could hear everything the students were gossiping about, he didn't know why he felt annoyed when the students were talking trash about Jay, he felt the urge to defend him every time 
because they were friends now this definitely was not a right thing for him

"I want to die so bad" Niki mumbled as he hurried to his club room, it was empty as there was still classes going on he locked himself inside the club room to get himself some peace of mind

After 2 hours

*phone call ringtone*

The sleepy boy nudges himself placing his hands on the beanie looking for his phone

"Niki where the fck are you" the voice ask from the other side of the call

"hello?who is this?" the boy yawns as he got up only a few seconds ago

"who is this? are you high? this is Jeon Changha the most handsome and famous boy from music faculty" the boy from the other side of the call exaggerated with pure sarcasm in his voice

"handsome my foot what do you want?" Niki asked slowly opening up his eyelits

"where are you answer the damn question do you know what time it is?" Changha yelled almost making him deaf

"chill I fell asleep at my club room" Niki reassured him

"we are waiting for you just come soon" a female voice could br heard from the other side, her voice was filled with concern while there was numerous bickering heard

"I am on my way just stop bickering" Niki says in annoyance, he cut off the call and checked the time which clearly showed 4 pm

He walked out of the club room as he carried his belongings and safety locked the door, there was no one walking pass the stairs sure he was late but he didn't think he would be this late, as he ran down the stairs he bumped into someone

"I'm sorry are you okay?" Niki asked as he sat down to the same level as the boy who was on the floor

"It's fine I'm okay" the voice answered, they stared at each other for a good minute before Niki finally spoke

"Jake? what are you doing here this late" Niki asked, he should be asking himself the same question too

"I left my laptop at the classroom" Jake says standing up

"uh..okay?" Niki says because of how awkward the situation felt

"I'm so sorry bit have you seen Jay?" Jake asked staring at the boy , Jake had an expression filled with guilt as he asked Niki

"no I haven't why" Niki asked concerned

"he hasn't answered any of our calls since the news broke" Jake says lowering his head

"oh" that was the only word that left Niki's mouth

Niki POV

"do you think he would something like that?" Jake asked looking at me

"I am so sorry i have to go" I said as I felt the vibration of my phone, I wanted to know what happened but I don't want my friends to be worried about me,Jake's footsteps slowly fading away as he walked up the stairs not before giving me a tight smile, I shrugged it off as I walked out of the university


Guess who is back after so long :)

I missed you guys so much!!

Niki is finally 18 guys, my man waited for three years T^T
He is growing up into a fine man!!


Let's see what happens to Jay :)


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