●What's For Dinner?●

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Taehyun sighed as he sat down on one of the chairs in his café. He finally took a breath of relief after two hours. It seemed like his café was getting too much recognition after getting married to Beomgyu. 

He wasn't complaining but not going to lie, he did miss the silent but calm atmosphere of his café in the early mornings. 

Taehyun winced as his stomach growled. "Ah right, I need to eat breakfast." Taehyun got up to walk towards the kitchen. But as he did, he remembered something. 

"Speaking of food, we don't have groceries.." Taehyun muttered to himself, grabbing his phone from his jean pocket before tapping on messages app, opening a chat, revealing a thread of his messages with his hyung.

Dumbass Hyung! 


Hyung, don't forget to buy groceries. We don't have anything for dinner. So get them if you don't want to go to bed on an empty stomach. 

Seen, 10:48 am. 

Taehyun clicked his tongue. "Is he that busy to even reply me or something?" If anything that he hated the most in the world, it would be someone leaving him on read. Shaking his head, he put his phone back into his pocket before grabbing something to eat.

Taehyun quickly made himself a waffle to eat and he grabbed a drink box of chocolate milk. He hurriedly ate his breakfast, hoping that someone wouldn't interrupt his eating session. But the bell above the entrance door, chimed, making Taehyun wince. He looked up to see Soobin and Yumin. 

Soobin gave him a cheery grin, running to the younger before wrapping Taehyun into a side hug. "How's your married life, my dear bestie?" He ruffled the other's hair, earning a scowl. 

"Nothing's changed." Taehyun rolled his eyes. "He's still annoying, if not more." 

"Hyung~" Yumin whined with a pout, sluggishly walking towards Taehyun. "You didn't invite me. Why? Do you not consider me as your friend-" 

"You were out of Seoul, punk." Taehyun rolled his eyes, picking up his plate and walking towards the kitchen. 

"Where's Kai?" Taehyun asked from the kitchen, suddenly noticing the missing presence. 

"He's joining later," Soobin replied, typing something on his phone. "He has some errands to do." 

"Are you sure he's not just sleeping?" Taehyun said, his voice filled with doubt. 

Soobin shut his eyes closed. Kai will kill him if he found out that Taehyun got to know the truth. "Uh, I-I don't think so." 

"Quit lying, hyung. You suck at it." Taehyun sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I'll deal with him later." 

Soobin pouted. "I'm not that bad at lying." He muttered to himself before going to the washroom, mainly to text Yeonjun back, but don't tell Taehyun that. 


Taehyun was so drowned in taking care of the customers and working, that he didn't even realize when it was soon evening. Almost the time to close the café. 

He gave the last customer's credit card back, smiling at her. "Please visit us again." And just like that the last customer left, the sound of the door being closed due to the bell entered his ears. 

He took a look at his wristwatch, eyes widening when he saw that it was eight-thirty pm. It seemed like there were too many customers today. 

He could already feel his shoulders and arms aching. Soobin had left early, claiming that he had to visit his grandmother in the hospital. And Taehyun believed it as his grandmother was hospitalized for the past two months.

"Yumin," He called out, earning a 'yes' in response. "I'm leaving now. Clean and close the café before you leave, alright? Say that to the other staffs as well." 

"Okay hyung, get home safe~" 

Taehyun hummed. "You too." And just like that, he grabbed his bag from the staff room and walked his way out of the door.

He plugged in his earphones before turning on his music. It always felt nice. Walking down the bustling streets with music in your ears?

It was an euphoric feeling for Taehyun. 

He got on the bus, cheering silently when he saw that there was an empty seat left. He was surely going for the window seat. 

And just like that, the moment he sat down, he closed his eyes and rested his head against the glass of the window, drowning in his thoughts as the music surrounded him. 


"Thank you for your service!" Taehyun bowed at the bus driver before getting off from the bus. The cold air of the night hit him. It was currently nine-fifteen pm and he just couldn't wait to go home and face-plant on his bed. 

'Wait, the dinner?' Taehyun sighed, wondering if Beomgyu had his dinner or not. If not, he at least hoped that Beomgyu at least got the groceries. 

Just as he was walking home, his eyes met up with a convenience store. Taehyun wondered if he should get some cup ramen for him. 'I can at least have ramen if hyung didn't get groceries.' He didn't even think about Beomgyu's share of food. 

Just as he got two large cup ramen for him, his eyes fell onto the next shelf, mouth watering due to how much variety of ramen was there. And of course, greed won. 

So Taehyun ended up buying a bag full of ramen. 

"It's for when I get hungry," Taehyun convinced himself as he walked the four-minute route to his house. 

He punched the passcode of the house, red thin lines appearing on the palm of his hand because of the plastic bag. 

To his surprise, he found Beomgyu sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap, doing some work as he seemed to appear to be very serious, a frown sitting on his forehead. 

And who was accusing Taehyun of finding that hot? 

"Hyung," Taehyun called out, gathering Beomgyu's attention. "Did you eat?" He said walking to the kitchen, placing the white plastic bag on the counter top. 

"Nope," Beomgyu said, typing away on his laptop. 

"Why? You could've made something." Taehyun frowned, removing the cup ramens from the bag. 

"We don't have groceries, idiot." Beomgyu replied. 

Taehyun turned to look at him with a blank face. He walked up towards Beomgyu to stand in front of him, hands on his hips. "What do you mean, hyung? Didn't I ask you to buy some earlier this morning?" 

And Beomgyu's face drained out of color. 


"I can't believe I have to share my precious ramen with you." Taehyun grumbled, stirring the pot full of ramen with his chopsticks. 

"Sorry," Beomgyu scratched his nape, following Taehyun around in the kitchen like a lost puppy. 

Taehyun glared at him. "You better buy me more ramen for this." 

Beomgyu instantly nodded. "I will," 

'Ramyeon meoko galle?' 


- I hope y'all know what is the meaning of the last sentence :) But don't worry, they didn't do anything lol. It's too early.

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