●Choi Beomgyu●

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"Choi fucking Beomgyu!" A tall, black-haired, man, walked into the room, turning on the lights, he-himself, squinting at the bright lights at four am in the morning. "Wake the fuck up!" 

The figure on the bed, groaned, stuffing the pillow on his face, trying to transport from the world to somewhere peaceful. "Shut the fuck up, hyung!" 

They curse a lot, I see. 

"We have to leave for Korea in two days! And we haven't packed up anything! We have a busy day ahead of us, Choi Beomgyu!" Yeonjun jumped on the bed, grabbing the sheets from Beomgyu, who held on it for dear life. 

"Hyung, let me sleep!" Beomgyu cried out as he felt the sheets slipping away from his fingers, the cold air hitting onto his face. 

 Yeonjun sheepishly smiled. "Can't do. We have a lot on our plate for today. We have two meetings and need to pack up our entire house 'cause we have to move back to Korea." Yeonjun finally pulled the sheets off Beomgyu. "Now, get up!" 

Beomgyu gave up, stretching his arms as he sat up on his bed. "I hate being the CEO's son" 

Yeonjun snorted. "And I hate being the secretary of the CEO's son."

Beomgyu gasped. "I'm not that bad of a boss for you!" He said as he saw Yeonjun, escaping his room.

"Yeah, say that to yourself!" Yeonjun's voice, echoed, from the spacious hallways. 

"Ungrateful," Beomgyu muttered even when the older couldn't hear him. "I'm gonna fire you, hyung!" Damn him and his loud voice because he just scared himself. 

"Yeah?" Beomgyu was surprised at how Yeonjun could still hear him, despite being far away. "I'd like to see you try!" The older fired back. 

"Fuck you, hyung!" Beomgyu whined as he got out of bed. 

He heard the heavy steps, approaching his bedroom. Yeonjun ran through his room, flicking Beomgyu's ear. 

"Buddy is now outside your bedroom. He can hear you! Stop cursing!" 

"He's just a dog!" 

"He's my child!" 


"What's for breakfast?" Beomgyu asked as he walked downstairs, wearing an over-sized, white t-shirt, tucked neatly, into blue-washed jeans, a black watch, adoring his wrist. 

He truly looked  attractive. 

"What do I look like? Your maid?" Yeonjun huffed from the couch, turning off his phone. 

"You technically clean the house, look after me and cook for me. So I think?" Beomgyu teased, riling up the older. 

"Let's go eat in a café." Yeonjun said as he picked up his wallet. "I'm too tired to cook." 

Beomgyu nodded, turning the lights off of the house before locking the door. 

"Which color?" Beomgyu asked as they walked in the garage.

"Blue," Yeonjun suggested. 

Beomgyu squinted his eyes. "I was thinking of red." 

"Blue is much better." Yeonjun placed a hand on his hip, challenging the younger. 

"No, red is!" Beomgyu denied, raising his eyebrows to rile Yeonjun up. 

"Rock paper scissors?" Yeonjun suggested. 

"Rock paper scissors." Beomgyu confirmed with a nod, holding out a hand. 

On the first round, they both pulled out scissors.  But that's okay, they thought that they will get something out of the second round but ended up, pulling the same thing, again, which was paper. 

"Last round." Beomgyu huffed, clasping his hands, muttering something in it, in hopes of winning. 

Unfortunate for him, Yeonjun pulled out a paper while Beomgyu pulled out a rock. The garage was immediately filled with the cheers of Yeonjun and the cries of Beomgyu. 

"Stop overreacting. You literally own them." Yeonjun rolled his eyes, snatching the keys from Beomgyu's hands. 

"Yeah but the red one was my favourite! And this is the last time that I'm going to see them!" Beomgyu whined as he sat down in the car. 

"You're selling them?" Yeonjun widened his eyes. 

Beomgyu nodded. "I'm not taking them to Korea, of course! I'll just sell them and get more money from them. It's not that I'm gonna come back here and drive them, again."

Yeonjun nodded. "That's reasonable.." 


Beomgyu rubbed his hands on his arms as they entered the cold atmosphere of the nearest café. His eyes going towards the icy-blue and pale-purple colors of the café, reminding him of someone who he swore to forget. 

But he just couldn't. No matter what he did. 

"Beomgyu?" Yeonjun nudged the younger. "You fine?" 

Beomgyu snapped out of his daze, nodding at the older. "I'm fine."

"I'll go order something for us. Take a seat." Yeonjun patted the younger's shoulder before walking towards the counter. 

Beomgyu took the seat at the corner of the café, roaming his eyes at the bustling roads, which were adorned by the green trees at the edges of them. He saw a kid, happily, holding onto his father's hands as he fed on an ice-cream. 

Beomgyu smiled before his eyes fell onto a couple, who were crossing the road while holding hands together with a smile, covering their faces, prettily.  

Beomgyu's heart burned with envy. If things had been different between them that day, would it all be different? Would he still have lost him? 

Beomgyu laid his head on his arms, on the table as the thoughts about the certain red-haired, invaded his mind. 

"Did he fulfil his dream of opening his own café..?" Beomgyu questioned himself, feeling his head hurting due to the amount of questions in his head. 

"Beomgyu?" Yeonjun called out as he came over with a token in his hand. "Are you feeling okay?" 

Beomgyu lifted his head up, smiling to assure his best friend. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

'Would everything be the same, again?' He thought.  


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