●Chaotic First Night●

207 14 13

Taehyun came out of his shower, drying his hair with a towel and already dressed in his newly-bought grey pajamas. 

He frowned when he saw Beomgyu laying on the right side of the bed, which Taehyun originally wanted. 

"Hey," Taehyun flicked Beomgyu on the forehead, taking revenge from earlier. "Get up." 

Beomgyu rolled around the bed, messing up the bedsheets. "Can you at least let me have a peace of mind when I'm asleep? Or do you plan on not giving me that too?" He asked in pure sarcasm, eyes still shut closed. 

"You're sleeping on my side of the bed." Taehyun deadpanned, watching how Beomgyu got up to glare at him. 

"Since when was this your side of the bed?" Beomgyu asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"I placed my bag on the right side of the bed. That means it was mine." Taehyun said, lifting his hand to knock on Beomgyu's head. "Common sense." 

"That makes zero sense!" Beomgyu exclaimed. "I want the balcony side." 

"I don't want the door side, either!" Taehyun exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Well, that's your problem then-" Beomgyu cut himself off with a scream when Taehyun hit him with his rolled towel, which he used for drying his hair. 

"Get. off. from. my. side." Taehyun emphasized each word with a hit. 

After a few more hits, Beomgyu finally rolled to the left side with a dejected sigh. "Fine, I'll decide to be the bigger person. I should not argue with someone who's younger than me." 

"Okay, oldie." Taehyun chuckled, sitting on the bed. 

Beomgyu ignored him, pulling the blankets to cover him before turning off the lights of the bedroom. 

"I was drying my hair, you shithead-" Taehyun rolled his eyes when he heard Beomgyu's loud and fake snores. 

Taehyun turned on the lights and resumed with drying his hair, and when he was finally done, he got up to get his lip balm from his backpack. 

And Beomgyu took this opportunity to turn off the lights again, earning a groan from the younger. 

The only source of light was coming from the outside lights of the balcony, which was fortunately, just enough for Taehyun to see. 

However, just for the purpose of being annoying, he went back to his bed and turned on the lights 'to apply his lip balm'. 

Beomgyu covered his face with the thick blanket. "Why do you keep on turning the lights?!" He exclaimed from under the blanket. 

"What?" Taehyun feigned innocence but the older knew better. "I'm just applying my lip balm." And he swiped the tube over his lips. 

Beomgyu removed his head from under the covers to glare at his now husband. But was caught off-guard when he saw how Taehyun was pouting while generously applying his cherry lip balm. "Y-You're being a brat, do you know that?" 

"Oh really?" Taehyun turned around to look at the older but was caught off-guard by how the other looked with his tousled brown hair. 

For some reason, Taehyun found that very attractive.

And he doesn't know why. 

The two stared at each other for a while, completely forgetting about their bickering. But Taehyun flinched when a loud honk came from one of the cars outside the balcony. 

Taehyun, with fumbling hands, placed the lip balm stick in the drawer next to his bed and got under the covers, finally turning off the lights. 

The two laid on the bed with silence. Taehyun's heart was thumping. Sleeping on the same bed with your attractive ex-boyfriend? That's some cliché shit. 

Meanwhile, Beomgyu was continuously thinking about the younger's lips and how he looked towards him with his doe eyes. It's been so many years since he felt the feeling of the younger's lips on him- 

Wait, what the fuck was he even thinking? 

Beomgyu reached out his arm on the night table to grab the AC remote to make the room cooler. He needed his head to be cooled down after thinking such 'atrocious' thoughts. 

He just needed a good night's rest, right? Yeah, that was probably the case. 

And just like that, he distracted himself by thinking about his office work before slipping into a deep but peaceful slumber. 


It was currently very late in the night and Taehyun was shivering under his covers due to how low Beomgyu had set the temperature. 

'Is hyung the male version of Elsa or something?' Taehyun thought as he turned around to face Beomgyu, reaching an arm over the older's body to grab the remote from the night stand of the other's side. 

But unfortunately, he slipped and fell right onto Beomgyu's arm, which was sprawled open. Taehyun shut his eyes, thinking that Beomgyu would get up and start complaining his ears off. But to his surprise, the older wrapped his arm, which was not under Taehyun's body, over the younger's shoulder, pulling him into a side hug.

Which made Taehyun's cheeks turn into a light shade of pink. 

He tried getting out of the hold but he, himself was tired to fight anything or anyone. 

Eventually, he could feel his eyelids drooping due to the heat radiating from Beomgyu's body and the cool temperature of the room. 

And just like that, without realizing, he fell asleep in Beomgyu's embrace, who unconsciously tightened his hold on him in his sleep. 


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