●On The Way●

202 19 28

Kang Taehyun was just minding his own business, spying onto Yeonjun and Soobin, who sat at the corner of the café, giggling amidst themselves. He glared at the sight. 

Maybe, he was not minding his own business. 

"I'm cutting half of Soobin hyung's salary." He grumbled to himself, unaware of the presence behind him until the other started to talk. 

"You're just jealous." Kai chuckled, arranging the register properly. 

"What are you talking about?" Taehyun rolled his eyes, going back to clean the tables. "Why would I be jealous?" 

"You've been single for too long." Kai replied, seeing at how Taehyun sighed. 

"I gave up on love." Taehyun dejectedly replied, taking out his phone as he saw the couple doing some lovey-dovey things.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked as he saw Taehyun pressing the capture button, taking a picture of Soobin and Yeonjun. 

Taehyun turned around with a smug smile on his face. "Blackmail purposes. I'm sending this to Soobin hyung's mom." 

Kai laughed at the character. "Remember the one time where Soobin hyung's mom thought that Yeonjun hyung was some sort of playboy?" 

Taehyun giggled at the once-forgotten memory. "And then Soobin hyung had to convince his mom that Yeonjun hyung wasn't. He also had to deal with a sulky hyung for literal two days!" 

"God," Kai sighed as he closed his eyes. "I miss high-school." 

Taehyun nodded. "I do too. Life was good." He was cut off by the ringing sound of his phone, he picked the device up from the table, frowning when he saw his father's contact id, he immediately pressed on the accept button. 

"Hyun?" His father's voice came through the call line. "When are you free?" 

Taehyun pouted as he tried to remember his plans for the week but remembered nothing but handling his café. "No, why?" 

"Great!" Taehyun could sense the tone of satisfaction in his father's voice. "We're going out on Saturday. I'll send you the address, later!" 

"Huh?" Taehyun was confused. "What's the occasion-" 

"Okay, Bye-Bye!" His father interrupted, before cutting the call. 

"Who was that?" Kai asked after seeing the perplexed expression on Taehyun's face. 

"It was dad. He told me that we're going out but isn't revealing any details." Taehyun shrugged, placing the phone in his pocket. "He's being weird." 

"Well," Kai slowly started, changing the topic. "Those two are kissing." He pointed towards the couple. 

Taehyun's eyes widened, he took a look at the couple and indeed they were! "Not in my fucking café!" 

"I'm going to kick them out!" Taehyun exclaimed. 


Saturday arrived pretty quickly. And now, Taehyun found himself selecting clothes for the dinner, that he's going to go out for.

His father had sent him the address earlier this morning, and it was of a restaurant..? And, it seemed pretty expensive so his mom told him to dress expensive. 

"Dress expensive." Mrs. Kang said over a video call as she applied a face mask And according to Taehyun, she looked pretty funny as he was trying so hard not to laugh. "Don't buy something expensive but look expensive. This restaurant is pretty classy."  

So, Taehyun decided to change into a white dress shirt with a black V-line sweater, paired with black pants. He also decided to wear a pendant, the same one that he was arguing with Beomgyu for and the also the one that Kai took away from them. 

Shh! He stole it from Kai later that night. 

He also sprayed some perfume, that he found on Soobin's table and ruffled his hair, letting it fall onto his eyes, giving him a soft look. He then, grabbed his phone and wallet before walking towards the door. 

"Going out?" Soobin asked, eyes on the video game, he's playing with Kai. 

"Yep. Going to a dinner with my parents, I guess." Taehyun said as he wore his shoes, tapping them against the wooden floor. 

"Enjoy!" Kai waved at him, Soobin repeating the action. 

Taehyun hummed. "And please, don't ever try to cook, while I'm away. I don't want the house, burning in flames by the time I come back." 

"Yeah-Yeah." Soobin dismissed him with a lazy wave. 


Taehyun was now currently stuck in a traffic, humming to the soft tunes of the music that played in his car. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he roamed his around the road. 

Taehyun froze when his eyes laid on a particular person's car, that's lately been pissing him off. 

Choi Beomgyu. 

Taehyun squinted his eyes at the car next to him to make sure that it was indeed, that annoying person. 

And yes, it was him. 

Taehyun quickly rolled the windows of the car, turning on the AC of his car, hoping not to see that face again. 

Not anytime soon. 

Well, he was wrong. The future had a lot of surprises to say the least. 


- Last update of this year. Hope y'all have a good day. Happy New Year<3

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