●Late Talks & Love Advices●

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"Reach home safely." Taehyun bid a goodbye, flashing a smile at the group of his staff that were leaving the café after finishing off their duties. 

He wiped one of the last tables before calling it a day. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't want to go home this early. 

And it was eight-forty pm in the evening. 

Taehyun took off his apron and placed it on the table of the cash counter, taking a seat on one of the chairs before taking out his phone to scroll through social media. He smiled and liked one of his friend's wedding party. He was invited but he couldn't go because of Beomgyu's stupid business party. 

Taehyun didn't realize about how longingly was he looking at his friend's picture with his wife. He couldn't help but wonder, how does it really feel to marry the person you love? Taehyun does not know. 

Well, he could have known if that event didn't took place on that night, five years ago. 

Taehyun shuddered at the memory. It was a horrible night. What would have happened if that didn't happen? Would Beomgyu and Taehyun still would have been dating? Or would they have broken up for different purposes later on? If not, would they still be dating up till this day? 

Taehyun also once wished to marry the love of his life when he grew older. The only difference was that, he married the past of his life. 

And he wasn't sure if they still had the chance to love each other again. 

His thoughts got cut off when he heard the ring above the café door, chime. Taehyun was about to get up and tell the person that they were closed for the day, but a smile broke out onto his face when he saw the familiar figure. 

"Knock-Knock," Jake smiled. "Are we open?" 

"Unfortunately, not." Taehyun replied with a pout. "But I can make some time for you." He winked at the younger, who was flabbergasted. 

"I must say, your flirting skills definitely had improved." Jake laughed, taking a sit in front of Taehyun, who jokingly gasped. 

"What do you mean? I was always amazing at flirting." 

"Sure," Jake rolled his eyes. "Remember that dare Heeseung hyung gave it you? To flirt with the boy? Do you remember what you said?" 

Taehyun widened his eyes, "No, please don't make me remember of that." 

"It was something like, 'Hey, are you-' Ouch, bro!" Jake flinched due to the pain in his arm when Taehyun pinched him. 

"Anyways," Taehyun decided to change the topic before it escalated. "What brings you here? And so late?" 

"I was taking a drive around the neighborhood and I saw your café." Jake shrugged. 

"Drive? This late?" Taehyun frowned, getting up to get something for Jake to eat. 

"I had some things that I needed to get out of my mind. What's more therapeutic than late night drives?" Jake asked, chuckling. 

Taehyun smiled. "Remember the time when you woke me in the middle of the night, just so that we could ride our bicycles? I think you were stressed about confessing to Sunghoon and Heeseung hyung. You still haven't changed." 

Jake nodded, looking down to his fiddling fingers. "And that day never came." Remembering about how the two announced their relationship the following day. 

Taehyun came back from the kitchen with a plate of blueberry waffles and a bottle of water. "Sorry, we don't have anything aside from water to drink, right now." 

"Nah, man. It's fine. Thanks for the food." Jake said, before taking a bite out of the food, his tongue almost melting from the taste. "This is so good!" 

"I'm glad," Taehyun smiled. "But, any worries?" 

Jake smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Are we having the therapy sessions again? Just like how we used to have them back in school?" 

Taehyun nodded with a smile. "Yes, now tell me, my dear client." 

Jake cleared his throat, straightening his posture. "Well, this has been going for days. It's about-"

"Heeseung hyung and Sunghoon?" Taehyun said, a concerned look on his face. He knows that it's about them. He often used to worry about Jake back in school because the kid was sensitive when it came to love.

Jake nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line. "I don't know what's happening anymore. They jokingly flirt with me, acting as if I'm important to them, but then they continue to ignore me when we three hang out together. One time they also told me that they'd be happy if I could join them. I don't get it." 

Jake took a deep breath before continuing, he could feel the tears glisten his eyes. "Back in high-school, I was okay with being the third-wheel, why? It's because I at least got to hang out with them. But now? It's just getting too difficult. It hurts. I want to move on so bad, but I don't want to at the same time too. It's because without the adventure of love, my life would be nothing. I've been in love with them for six years. Six fucking years. I would probably lose the feeling of being in love."  

Jake ran a finger through his hair, sniffing through his nose. "I want to move on. But I don't know how to."

Taehyun looked at his friend with concern. He really felt bad for the younger, but he currently had no advice to give. "You really want to move on?" 

Jake nodded, "It's been six years, hyung. It's hurting me more. It's like a thorn pricks my heart whenever I see them being happily in love with each other. It's not like I want to steal their happiness, I just want to join them..." 

"If you really want to move on, you can't be scared, Jake." Taehyun said with a pout on his lips. "If you really want to let go of them, you have to take some initiative. You can work on your feelings or either you can confess to them. Now, that's up to you." Taehyun said, placing a hand on Jake's. 

"You can try to work on yourself, find hobbies, try to meet new people, right?" Taehyun gave a small smile, and Jake reciprocated it. 

"I think I should work on these feelings. I don't want to confess and ruin their relationship." Jake looked down onto his hands. "I'll try meeting some new people too." 

"That's sounds like a great idea." Taehyun smiled. "But at any cost, if you went back to case one, please don't beat yourself over it, alright? It's not going to be easy." 

Jake nodded. "Enough about me. What about you, hyung? I don't get it, how the fuck did you suddenly got married to Beomgyu hyung?" 

Taehyun froze up, feeling his mouth go dry. "Uh-" 

"You have to explain this to me." Jake said, raising his eyebrows. 

Taehyun sighed, dropping his shoulders. "Alright," And just like that, he was out there with Jake, spilling out the moments that took place in the past two to three months. 

After the story was over, Jake placed a hand on his mouth with widened eyes. "No fucking way-" 


- Writing Jake's part while listening to Pano, by Zack Tabudlo, really made me feel like I was going through some shit but I was not?. But anyways, I hope you liked the chapter<3

Pretend | Taegyuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें