17. | Pretty when you lie. |

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.  Yeah, I received your message, all twenty-three   .


I looked at my phone, the time showing 4:17 a.m.

And all of the missed calls and messages.

I might've overstayed with Chris, but i honestly did have a good time with him. We went out to a bar, had some food, then just decided to walk around the city.

Another message came, letting out an annoying noise. Chris sighed and then stopped.

-Let me take you home. It's pretty late and I can tell that Maggie is losing her mind.-He smiled and shook his head slightly.

-Okay.-I nodded.-We could do this again some time soon. I missed going out like this with you.

-I missed it too.

While we walked back to the car, my phone notified me a couple more times for messages. It was getting slightly annoying, but i just let it ring, since I decided to not answer any messages or phone calls when I left my apartment.

Once we finally reached my building, I noticed someone standing in our balcony.


Chris got out of the car and ran to my side, opening the door for me. I got out with a smile and thanked him.

-When are you free? I want to see you soon.- Chris asked, pulling me by my waist, closer to him.

-I'll text you.-I smiled at him.

-You never do.-He gave me a mocking smile and i bit my lip.

-Text me and I'll let you know.

-I will.

He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was nice, yet I wasn't excited for it.

I was excited to see what's waiting for me at home.

We pulled away and said our goodnights. I slowly made my way to the buildings door, pressed the right numbers for the code and when the door clicked, I opened it and sighed from how warm it was.

I quietly unlocked the apartments door and walked in, taking the heels off immediately after I closed the door. I placed them near the door, then took off my jacket and hung it up.

When i walked passed the living room i noticed Bill sleeping peacefully, which made a small smile curl on my lips. Then i noticed a shadow in the balcony, smoke around it.

I silently made my way towards my bedroom and got the cigarettes out of my purse. I carefully opened the balcony door and walked into it, Tom immediately turning to me.

I nodded to him, to which he just turned away and continued to slowly smoke. I shrugged and leaned against the railing with my elbows, lighting up a cigarette.

-You had fun?

I let the smoke leave my lungs, then answered:

-I did.

-Did you check your phone at least once? Maggie was worried about you.-He snarled and I chuckled.

-I did. Yet her messages weren't as chaotic as yours were.-I turned my gaze to Tom, out eyes meeting.

-So you received my messages, huh?

-All twenty three.-I nodded.

-And yet you didn't think about answering at least one?-He asked, repositioning himself, so he's turned to me, yet still leaning against the railing.

Ring. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now