9. | Club. |

204 6 30

. I'd do anything
To have you near me. .


-So she decided it would be just perfect if they basically fucked in front of my camera, while i took pictures of them.

-Are you serious?!-Tom gasped and started laughing hysterically.

-I'm very much serious.-I nod, laughing too.-It's funny now, but when it was happening i was actually terrified and fucking disgusted.-I try to shake off the images of the couple from my head but it doesn't help.

-I would've started filming and uploaded it on a porn site or something.-He continued to laugh, wiping away some tears that escaped his eyes.

-Damn, I should've actually done that.-I sigh and put the handle of the spatula to my face.-Well, I will definitely do that next time!

We both laugh and i continue cooking us breakfast. It was simple eggs and bacon, but Tom seemed to drool when i mentioned them.

-Even after all this time, you still make the best coffee.-He smiles at me and i smile back, slightly shaking my head.

-I'm really happy to hear that.-I say, as i plate the eggs and bacon.-Would you like ketchup?

-Of course.-He nods and places the cutlery next to the plates.

I grab the ketchup out of the fridge and set it near our plates. We both sit down and have some small talk while eating.

-So, will you be going to Maddi's now?-I ask, swallowing the food.

He nods and drinks some of his coffee, washing down the egg.

-I should, or she'll go crazy on why I'm not responding.-He chuckles and i raise my eyebrows, joining in for a laugh.

-Yeah, i had seen how crazy she can get.-I sigh and take a bite of the crispy bacon.


-What?-I ask, raising one of my eyebrows.

-What do you mean you've seen her crazy?

-Like at lunch, the club.-I shrug.-The grocery store.-I add and he looks at me even more confused.

-The grocery store?-He asks and i nod.-What happened?

I realize quickly that he doesn't know and purse my lips tightly.

-Dakota, what happened?-Tom asks again, worry on his face.

-We bumped into each other at the grocery store and she kept going on about how i want to ruin your relationship, how you're hers and I won't be able to take you away from her.-I laugh a bit.

-You hadn't told her anything?-He raises his eyebrow and i nod.

-Nothing, just like we said.-I smile at him.

There's some silence for a good few minutes, then the door unlocks.

-Fuck.-I whisper under my breath and wait for Maggie to scream that she's home.

-She doesn't know I'm here?

I shake my head as an answer and stare at the doorway.

-Dakota! I'm home!

-I'm in here!-I yell back to her and hear her footsteps coming closer.

She stops in her tracks, right in the doorway, when she sees who's here.

-Hi, Tom.-She smiles, her eyes full of dissatisfaction.-When did you get here?

-Hi, Maggie.-He smiled and waved at her.

Ring. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now