11. | Teasing. |

259 8 43

.  But when I get my chance
Swear I'll fuck you right


And I know you want it, baby
You know I want you  .



I exhaled loudly, when i slumped down on my couch. I unzipped my shoes and kicked them off, then took of my jacket and threw it next to me, before getting even more comfortable on the couch.

-So we're both sleeping on the couch?

I look at Tom, my eyes feeling heavy.

-Nope, we'll be sleeping in my bed.-I mumble and rub my cheek.


-I mean me.-I correct myself and purse my lips, trying to hide my smile from his reaction.

I obviously said it on purpose. I wanted to see his reaction, which was the one I expected. Surprise and hope.

I slowly stood up and placed my shoes near the door and hung my jacket.

-You want something to eat?-I ask, turning around.-I can make sandwiches.

-That would be nice.-Tom nodded.

I walked towards the kitchen, entering it a couple of seconds later. I walked up to the fridge and opened it, pulling out the products to make simple sandwiches.

I quickly placed everything on the counter and started making the food. I felt how Tom was staring at me. Just like the last time he did.

A bright idea came to my mind and i smiled to myself. I walked over near to Tom and turned, so he would be behind me. I bent down, arching my back slightly, opening the cupboard and searching for the cutting board.

I heard him shifting in his seat, but I didn't turn around. I didn't want him to think I'm doing this on purpose, when I actually am.

When I finally found it, i stood up straight and let out a gasp, feeling Tom behind me. I turned my head back and looked at him questionably.

-I know what you're doing.

-What do you mean?-I ask, raising my eyebrow.

He shakes his head, smirking slightly. He then got his face closer to my neck, brushing his lips against it.

-I know just how to play your games.

-I don't know what you're talking about.-I say, trying to stay calm and pretend to be clueless.

I turned around, taking a sharp breath in from realizing how close he is to me.

-Are you sure?-he asks teasingly, raising his eyebrow.

I nod, no words escaping my mouth. Either the alcohol is still controlling my body or something about him just makes me forget what games i was just playing and makes me want to just give myself to him right here. Right now.

-What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

-You need to step back.-I try to say it calmly.

-Or what?

-I might not be able to control myself.-I reply honestly.

-You're going to punch me?-he asks, some shock on his face.

-I'm going to kiss you.-I mumble out and he smirks.

-Do it.

I shake my head, resting my forehead on his and closing my eyes. This is not how it's supposed to go. I'm supposed to mess with him, I'm supposed to play with him, have him wrapped around my finger.

Ring. || Tom Kaulitzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن