8. | Talks and Sunrises. |

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Two weeks later.

-Like i said, the pictures should be ready in about two weeks, might be ready even earlier.-I smile at the couple.-And let me know if you would like me to add something or edit them differently.

-Thank you, Dakota.-The girl hugs me.-This has been a wonderful experience, I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out!

-I can guarantee that they will be beautiful.-I hug her back and nod to her boyfriend, who nods back to me.-Now go have a great time, the weather is beautiful today.

-We most definitely will.-she pulls away and they both put on their coats.-Goodbye, Dakota! Thank you again.

-It was my pleasure!

And then they left. I walked to the table and pulled put the memory card from my camera, placing it into the computer. I sat down on the chair and got ready to pick out the best looking photos before my next client came.

Two weeks have passed since I've seen Tom. I heard from Bill that he came back to Germany a couple of days later from that day and that he was acting weirdly.

I didn't ask too much, to not arise any suspicions, since he already thinks I'm in love with his brother again. But I didn't even need to ask, since it's Bill and he always tells me everything.

From what he mentioned, Tom was acting weird - too serious, always looked like he was thinking about something and replied in short answers. He did ask me if i had anything to do with this or if i knew something. And i was only half honest. I told him that Tom and Maddi got into a fight and that Tom had slept over at mine and Maggies place for a few nights since he had nowhere to go.

If i had mentioned anything about going out with him, driving to our old town or the cabin, he would lose his shit and act like a fangirl seeing his idol for the first time. He would most definitely try to get us back together immediately, but I don't want that.

I want it to be slow and steady, just like it was before.

Me and Tom had texted a couple of times. But just like with Bill, it was difficult to text because of the time zones. He would casually text me to ask how I'm doing and i would reply literally hours later in the morning or after work, then he would text back hours later... it was just a mess. I think he realized it wasn't that easy, so he just stopped texting. And i never tried to text him first.

I wonder how do him and Maddi communicate when they're this far apart.

The sudden bell ringing caught my attention and i turned my eyes to the door.

-Oh my god it's so cold outside.-Maggie whined, closing the door behind her and shook the dirt off her shoes onto the floor mat i had.

-Well hello to you too.-I nod at her and she rolls her eyes, dropping her back onto the ground.-What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in university?

-Yeah, the last lecture got canceled since the professor got sick.-She pretended to be sad, but after a second she smiled.-But that means i get to visit you and bring you lunch!

I watched as she hung her coat onto the hanger, then grabbed her backpack from the ground and walked up to me, sitting down in the chair next to mine.

-Maggie, you didn't have to do that.-I sighed.

-Shut up, coffee and a cigarette doesn't count as food.-she gave me a death stare and unzipped her backpack, pulling out a brown paper bag.-I stopped by the cafe that we both love and got you a sandwich. It's not much, but better than what you're eating.

Ring. || Tom KaulitzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz