"You can't fix the world."

"I have to try," Espio said determined, "We could try and make an end to racism and discrimination. The acceptance of the LGBT community. Plus, chao are alive, you know," He said, "Not all hope is lost. When we finally find the source, we can rebuild it. They can give new life to nature."

"Just because you saw one chao doesn't mean there are more. Sometimes we need to accept that we can't change everything," She said desperately. "Just move away, with Silver. Think about yourself and have fun for once in your life. Some things are just lost forever."

Carefully, Espio dabbed his bruises with foundation to hide them, "As long there is hope, I won't stop fighting."

"You're so damn stubborn."

"You don't have to do this with me," Espio said, "If you don't want to keep going, I understand. But I won't let it go."

Lanolin stood up from the couch and took the cotton ball from Espio to help him out, "I'm not going anywhere. I will be at your side," She carefully helped him hide his bruises and cuts, "I will follow every stupid step of yours," She said and smiled at him. "Just promise that when this situation with Silver's identity is fixed, you'll take a holiday, have a rest, do something fun."

A small smile appeared on Espio's lips and he opened a drawer at his desk, "I already have that planned," He said.

Lanolin looked curiously as Espio showed her some tickets. She raised her eyebrows and suppressed a smile, "Silver will love that for sure."

"Yeah, I think so too," He said and smiled down at the papers, "I can't wait to see their face when I tell them."

An hour later the both of them arrived at the police office where they made an arrangement to meet up with Silver's caretaker. They both let out a deep sigh to get rid of their nerves. Their badges got checked and their names were registered when they removed everything metal and handed in their phones for safekeeping while they would have their talk.

It felt quite chilly as they were guided by a guard towards the back of the office where the interrogation rooms were. The guard opened one of the doors. It was a concrete room which felt cold, there was table with three chairs in the middle of the room with a fluorescent tube lighting the room with a cold white light.

"I will get him," The guard said as he left them there. They nodded and waited.

Lanolin walked around the room, she felt a little nervous to meet Silver's caretaker for the first time. Her blood was boiling but she knew she had to hold back, sit and listen.

Espio sat down and looked around the room to see a security camera in one of the corners. Pointing to the table. "Don't be nervous," He said calmly to Lanolin. Even though he felt nervous himself, he tried to hide it.

They both quickly turned around as the door opened, the guard pushed the jackal inside of the room, who tried his best not to fall. His hands were cuffed and he limped badly as it was hard for him to walk without his crutches. Espio quickly stood up to hold the jackal by his arm to keep his balance. The two different coloured eyes met Espio's and his look changed immediately, to something that seemed like relief.

The guard took him roughly by his collar and pushed him towards the seat across from the other two. He forced him to sit and locked his cuffs against the table.

Espio frowned at how the guard handled Silver's caretaker, but didn't say anything.

"Coffee?" The guard asked Espio and Lanolin.

"Yes, please," Espio responded. Lanolin nodded as she looked down at the jackal, who stared at his cuffed hands.

The guard nodded and left the room to get them their coffees.

Lanolin frowned curiously as she looked at the jackal, who didn't look like how she expected. The jackal looked extremely vulnerable. Something even made her feel bad for him even though she didn't want to feel something like that towards him.

"So," Espio calmly said as he looked towards the jackal. "I heard you aren't sharing your information with the police," He started carefully. "I'm interested in knowing why."

The jackal looked up to Espio. His eyes moved curiously towards Lanolin, but he kept his mouth shut.

"This is my assistent Lanolin," Espio said as he saw him look curiously towards her. "She's been my loyal assistent for a few years."

The jackal looked back at Espio and slightly nodded.

"So why aren't you talking?" Espio asked interestedly.

The jackal's eyes quickly moved from Espio towards the camera in the room and back.

Lanolin frowned curiously. Espio raised his eyebrows as he started to understand. The jackal flinched as the door opened again. The guard returned with two cups of coffee.

"Thank you," Espio said calmly before the guard left again. Slowly, he stood up and stood at the end of the table, with the camera at his back, covering the jackal from any viewers. "Talk," Espio commanded calmly.

The jackal sighed in relief, "Thank you for coming," He said with a harsh voice, as he hadn't used it often after Silver's escape. He looked at Lanolin and nodded, "It's nice to meet you."

Lanolin looked doubtfully at him with a sour expression.

He slightly nodded as Lanolin didn't respond, but he could understand that.


Silver frowned and looked down at their phone. They had tried to call Espio multiple times, but it rather quickly went to voicemail. Silver shivered as it was rather cold outside of the school, where they were kicked out as the building was closing. It was snowing slightly and the ground was already covered with a thin layer of snow.

"He's not answering?" Shadow asked, and blew out the smoke of his cigarette. He leaned against the wall and looked over at Silver, who was sitting on the cold concrete stairs in front of the building.

"No, he's not," They replied with concern.

Shadow looked at Silver shivering. He had already given them his scarf and leather jacket. He looked at the time to see they'd been already waiting outside for 45 minutes. He inhaled the last bit of his cigarette and pressed it out. "Come on, I will take you home," Shadow said as his warm breath was shown in the cold air.

"But maybe he's on his way," Silver said with concern, as they expected Espio to be here any minute.

"Come on, you're cold and you need something to eat," He held out his hand to Silver to help them up from the stairs. Silver felt surprised, noticing how warm Shadow's hand felt even though it was so cold outside and he wasn't even wearing his jacket. He gave Silver one of his handsome smiles, "I will take you to the cottage. We will get some take out on the way. What would you prefer?"

Silver shrugged their shoulders, "I'm okay, I'm not hungry."

"So pizza it is," Shadow replied stubbornly.

Silver let out an awkward chuckle as Shadow led them to his motorcycle.

Thank you Zeltaris for spelling checking ^^

Part 2 How Opposites Meet - ShadilverWhere stories live. Discover now