Part 206

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After Silver and Honey shared a hug to make up, Silver went back to the table in the cafeteria where their friends were arguing.

"I don't get you," Shadow said, "I think some stress relief might be good for you," He said, "Just have some fun in life, take risks. Honey is totally into you, maybe just play a little, experiment, you know?"

Silver carefully sat down at the table. Their cheeks blushed slightly when they heard Shadow's words.

"Who said I ever wanted that?" Espio snapped frustratedly, "The things you want in life aren't the same for everyone."

"Well, I just wanted to help. Look at you," Shadow said and pointed at him, "You almost never sleep, you're always working, always stressed, you only take care of others and don't think about yourself. I just thought a bit of stress relief could help."

"Mind your own business," Espio said and frustratedly rubbed his temples. Silver gulped as they looked from Espio to Shadow and back. Tails and Sonic also looked a bit awkward because of this situation and the things they knew were actually going on.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."

"I never asked for help, I'm doing fine," Espio looked to his left and froze for a moment as he hadn't heard Silver returning. He cleared his throat and tried to calm down, "How is she doing?"

Silver shrugged their shoulders, "She will be fine eventually," They said, a little unsure, "She's just embarrassed and upset."

Espio sighed, disappointed in himself.

"She will be fine, really," Silver said with an endearing smile to comfort Espio, "She just needs time to get over it."

Espio nodded, "I really didn't mean hurt her."

"She knows," Silver assured him. It stayed quiet for a little bit while the others finished their lunch. "Can I ask who just called?" Silver whispered to Espio.

"My father," Espio answered quietly, "After the next lesson, he needs me to come to the base," He explained.

Silver frowned but nodded, "Do you need me to come with you?"

"No, no, you just stay here, okay? You still have your other classes," Espio said, "I won't be long."

Silver nodded quietly.

After the lunch break it was time for history with their mentor class. Shadow and Espio acted cordially towards each other as they didn't want to fight about the matter, but it was hard to ignore what had happened during lunch. They all just quietly worked.

After that lesson, Espio promised to be back in the library later that evening. Shadow went to the library on his own to work on his studies, while Tails and Silver went to physics. It was quite noisy as they were working on the last experiments of this period before the test week.

Silver looked interestedly at Tails as he was working. They felt quite curious about him and now that they were alone they just had to ask. Silver carefully cleared their throat.

"So," Silver said interestedly. Tails looked towards them. "I couldn't help but notice, you and Marine are getting pretty close, aren't you?"

"Yeah, kinda," Tails answered casually, but Silver noticed a slight blush on Tails' cheeks.

Silver suppressed a smile, "So... Did you two..." They asked awkwardly, "...You know."

Tails' blush turned brighter. He cleared his throat and slightly nodded.

"Hah, I knew it," Silver said triumphantly. "When? Where? How was it?" They asked curiously.

Tails cleared their throat and suppressed a smile, "Yesterday, we went out together after school." He explained.

Part 2 How Opposites Meet - ShadilverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz