Chapter 4

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Benimaru was on his way to his school. As he arrived at the front gate,he's suddenly gets a lot of news reporter surrounding him and then started to get ask a lot of question.

"Excuse me! Mr.Benimaru may we know how it's feels to be having a class lesson with All Might?" A woman with a brown hair with a pretty feature puts a mic to Benimaru closely to his face.

"Hmm... He's too energetic?" Benimaru says straightforward and then he gets pulled away by Yaoyorozu to gets away from the crowds.

"let's go Benimaru or else we'll be late or our class." Yaoyorozu says as she let go of his wrist and walk besides him to the class.


"We need to pick a class rep any suggestion?" Aizawa says in a tired tone.

Many of the classmates started to vote for themselves except Benimaru who's just staring at his classmates with a calm expression.

"Please be quiet!!. It is a sacred task that requires the passion and the responsibility to undertake any situation! It's not a job for someone who wants to do it!" Lida says in a loud voice while standing up from his seat.

"but you're hands are raising the highest though?" Tsuyu points out to lida who's hands are on the air.

"How about this then,lets vote for the person who's suitable for this title who has the most votes He/She will be the one to do it." Benimaru gave them a idea which they're agreed to it.

"Just hurry it up will you?" Aizawa says while in his cattepillar bag and then continue his napping.

~~after voting~~

"Why did damn Deku is the Class rep?! Hey this isn't fair! Who voted for that damn Deku?!" Bakugou started to get angry while pointing his finger at Midoriya.

"I did,he's seems reliable at this job." Benimaru says while crossing his arms.

"Well it's much better than vote for you." Sero says in a little voice while looking at the other way.

"Huh?!! Who says that?!!" Bakugou says in angry tone pointing at the others.

"I didn't get to become a prez..." Lida has a dissapointment look on his face while he look down on the floor.

"i guess it's finally done?. Alright then, the class rep will be Midoriya and Yaoyoruzo will be the deputy" Aizawa says while still in his caterpillar bag.


Benimaru can be seen sitting all by himself at the cafeteria while eating a cold soba,right after he eats his food, his other classmates started to sit at his tables while bringing their own foods.

"Yo Benimaru! mind if we have lunch with you?" A pink lady with a horns and a cheerful smile sits infront of him.

"Will you lets us eat with you?" Midoriya says while holding a tray of pork cutlet with a nervous looks.

"Do whatever you want."Benimaru continues to at his soba in peace while his other classmates join his table's.

"I don't think i'm suitable for a class president,it's too much for me." Midoriya can be seen shaking on his legs while sweating on his face.

"come on,you'll be fine!"

"You don't have to worry about it!"

A pink lady and a red hair guy tries to ease his mind with a smile and pat him on the back.

"Oh yeah now that reminds me, is it true that you've spar with All might back then?" The pink lady says while eating her lunch with her mouth full.

"I even heard that people in Asakusa full of strong people that has the same quirk like you,but i guess you're different since you're the Strongest in Asakusa after all, That's so manly!!" A red haired spiked guy says with passion while giving a thumbs up.

Benimaru was about to say something but gets interupted with a blaring alarm suddenly make a loud noise through the speakers.

"A level 3 security has been breached. All students please evacuate." After alarm has stopped many other students started to panicked  and started to rush outside and many other students keep pushing themselves against eachother.

"Hey stop pushing me!" Benimaru can be seen in the crowds of students while being pushed around and then he leaped upward as he stands on top of a pole hanging on the wall while placing his hands on his pockets

"What a drag, hmm?" Benimaru then noticed that lida started to shout and make the other students calm down immediately with his good sense and responsibilty.

"Everyone please follow this path this will lead us outside! Please don't panic!" Lida waves his hands like a robot while shouting.

"I guess he's quite good as a class rep instead..." Benimaru stare at him on the distance while placing his hands on his chin.

~~after everyone evacuate~~

"i wanted to say something please, may i let Lida as the class rep instead? He got a good sense and he make the crowds calm down instantly so i want to pass this responsibility to him instead."Midoriya says to Lida with a smile which make's Lida accept the offer instantly.

"i agree with midoriya."

"yeah,me too!"

"We're counting on you Lida!"

"Thanks for letting me be as a class rep, i'll do my best!" Lida bowed his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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