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Kiara flew up into the sky, and she had 250 miles of aerial scenery to be able to figure out, what she still had to do for tweaks to work out of the newest suit.

Which were controlled by some amazingly small, micro data chips that with Jarvis' help, Kiara had been able to link to the suit so that she could summon it from anywhere to help her without any other sort of any technology needed. They were now embedded just underneath her skin and she was able to control it from there.

It was her Mark III, her old suit was still in use, but at the moment this one was more practically inclined, for just straight travel, from one place to the next. Which is why Tony approves of it so much.

The only difference between the father-daughter duo of Starks, is that Kiara will read every instruction in a book before using it and memorizing nearly every instruction that Jarvis would give her.

Whereas Tony Stark on the other hand, well, he would ignore a big full three-hour instruction manual that Jarvis made for him, in favor of just powering forward and hoping for the best with whatever it could be. Even if there was massive risks and even if it was the chance that he could explode in a suit, he was willing to completely ignore the instructions for the sake of his stupid and headstrong pride.

"The word I'm looking for is hubris, I think." She muttered to herself, as she guided herself and the suit down to a stable landing on the newly installed landing platform that her dad and her had built together. "Hey Jarvis?" She asked the supposedly "empty air" around her.

"Yes, Miss Stark? How can I help you this morning?" The AI asked as Kiara's suit opened up and she stepped out of it and her suit followed her inside the house in a clear complete imitation of her movements.

"How is the Stark Expo doing this morning, Jarvis?" Kiara asked as she was walking to the kitchen, where she was making food and noodles and her suit picked up a tray for the food, and Kiara put her food onto the tray.

"Excellent, Miss Stark. However, your father does not need to see any more of the inventions, lest he buy all of them for himself, and put them all into the storage containers once again." Jarvis had dry humor and it wasn't unusual, as Kiara chuckled softly.

The suit followed Kiara to the downstairs lab and she motioned onto the table and the suit was stopped right next to it and gently put the food down.

"Shut down for a rest." Kiara said and the suit saluted briefly, before she was alone as the suit disappeared to go to sleep, as Kiara started eating her cold food, as she waited for her noodles to cool down.

"Jarvis, can you please pull up the prospects for Pepper's new assistants ideas' and all that?" Kiara asked and the computers all across the walls lit up in front of her and she leaned a bit forward in her chair.

"Why the fricking hell is there a file on here labeled "All bodyguard prospects for Kiara" now?" Kiara asked with shock in her voice, as she looked over at the other computer screens.

"I do believe that it is because she believes, that you need a bodyguard now due to your new status as "Iron Spirit" as of now, she sees it as a risk to your health." Jarvis explained.

"Can you decrypt it?" Kiara asked as she was already typing on the keys to hack in, even if Jarvis could do it, she needed to keep her fingers busy in some way.

"Already done, Miss Stark." Jarvis declared as Kiara saw that there were all sorts of names and their new faces showing up and she scanned her eyes through them quickly.

"Who is... Hunter Barton?" Kiara asked with confusion in her eyes, as Kiara brought up the file closer, as all of the information and pictures were starting to pop up. "Member of the archery team from Grade 6 onwards, Captain of the team from Grades 7 to 12. Currently on her way to becoming an archery Olympic champion. Wow, Pepper has some serious connections here." Kiara said with raised eyebrows at the sight. "A former model, currently undergoing training to become a member of a new form of law enforcement." She said with a huff through her nose.

"It does look like Miss Potts does at least a little bit, have your safety in her mind, at least." Jarvis attempted to console her, as Kiara snorted a little bit.

"Right, okay, and it has nothing to do with the fact that she is rather clearly head over heels for my dad." Kiara said quietly and she put away the files and all of that, when Tony came down the stairs. "I would rather just have Carter home." Kiara muttered quietly as she sighed. "Oh. Hey Dad." She remarked as he looked over at her.

"Hey kiddo. You did great at that stupid trial." Tony said and he was doing a sort of finger prick test, as the device was registering...

"Palladium? Why is your percentage of palladium in your blood, so high in the first place?" Kiara asked and Tony hesitated, which Kiara recognized as a signal for him trying to think up a fast and good lie. "No, no! Don't you even dare!" She snapped at him at once, swiftly recognizing the signs and Tony sighed.

"The Arc Reactor technology was reallg never designed to be used as a life saving device, kid. It is not meant to be in a person, so it is running out and killing me. The cores are made of palladium, and they are burning out fast, scarily fast. The more that I use my suit..." Kiara's eyes widened at the implications of his words.

"The more that you keep up the use of your iron man suits, the more that the palladium percent in your blood and body goes up." Kiara finished the words for him and Tony nodded at her correct assumptions.

Kiara felt fear beginning to start creeping into her veins as she sat down and looked over to her left at the two Iron Man suits.

The Iron Man Mark I and Mark II's, which stood alongside her Iron Spirit Marks I and II that all stood in the corner. "How long do you have?" She asked quietly.

"Not long enough. But I do have a sort of gift for you, kid. You won't have all the keys to it until you turn 21, but... you are officially the C.E.O of Stark Industries, after you sign a few things..." Kiara's jaw dropped nearly to the floor at the news, and Tony smiled a little at her. "Pepper will be acting as your assistant and also, your representative among the board until eventually when you turn 21, you will be her official boss." Tony said and Kiara looked at him with a small smile on her face, as Pepper came down the stairs with the forms for Kiara to sign.

Tony signed where he had to sign, as Kiara finished her bit to sign, and her dad came out of the cold area to bring a bottle of sparkling apple cider out of the fridge. "Ooh, thanks Dad." Kiara said with a grin as they were now the three of them celebrating.

But Kiara's mind was far away from the celebration at hand already falling into the trap of how to save her Dad from death by palladium poisoning.

Kiara was walking upstairs and she was headed into her room, before she stopped and she saw the opened door to the empty room. Kiara took a few steps backwards as she pushed open the door quickly and now, she walked into Carter's room.

Kiara looked around at the empty room as she shook her head, before she felt tears in her eyes. "Hey Jarvis?" She asked.

"Yes, Miss Stark?" The A.I asked and she swallowed, before she wiped at her eyes and took a deep breath.

"It was nothing. Sorry, never mind. I'm sorry." Kiara said with a shaky voice as she was sitting down on Carter's bed as she was shaking her head, before she quietly started to cry.

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