20|Acting Up

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"What the hell is going on here?" Nick Fury asked as he walked into the lab, where multiple people were monitoring the Tesseract.

Nick Fury and Agent Phil Coulson also followed him quickly, entering the radiation facility that they were all in that was also playing host to the Tesseract, and to Carter Carlson, whose suit was standing in the corner. The whole area was absolutely just cluttered with machines that were all just monitoring for everything and as well as it, there were also a good many people leaving the room to evacuate.

"Talk to me, doctor." Nick interrupted as Erik Selvig had been working with Carter for the past few... Well, ever since Carter had decided to take a break from M.I.T and the poor teenager had been so busy, that he had lost track of time.

Dr. Erik Selvig swiftly appeared, stepping out from behind a CMS machine, looking at least to Fury, very concerned. The Tesseract is glowing unusually brighter and a flare of blue shoots out from it, hitting things in the lab at complete random.

"Hey, watch out!" Carter warned one of the other scientists and she had been almost hit by a blast from the Tesseract, which had swiftly hit the shelf next to her and Carter was shaking his head. "Be careful!" He said sharply.

"Director." Erik Selvig replied to Director Fury as Carter was getting into his suit and he was thankfully still able to work in it, as Carter sighed. "Carter, you should go and help the others with the evacuation of the facilities." Erik suggested and then, Carter looked over at Fury for confirmation.

"Two minutes." Fury stated and Carter was nodding and he walked over to the Iron suit and Carter was looking at him with a calm and even demeanor, despite the stressful and charged situation that he had found his way into. "Is there anything that we know for certain?" Fury asked.

"The Tesseract is misbehaving." Selvig replied without humor in his voice and Fury lifted his eyebrow.

Fury scoffed as they walked together with Carter following them, running to help some of the other scientists with their packing up of certain equipment. "Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asked coolly.

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract, it is not only active, but she's misbehaving." It was a dangerous situation, when Selvig admitted to something like that.

"How soon until you pull the plug?" It was the most valid question that they heard from anybody so far, but there was just a single problem with that question.

"She is just an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..." Selvig shook his head and he was rejoining Carter at a nearby computer as the teenager was swiftly typing away at the keyboard, his eyes moving from one of the monitors to the other.

"What do you have for us right now, Carter?" Nick asked and then at the words, Carter was shaking his head as he sighed.

"I don't know, Director. This isn't like anything that I have ever seen, even with studying under Dr. Selvig, this is different. It is alien technology, a force that we have no understanding of... No understanding of... What so ever." Carter pointed out.

"But we have already prepared for this doctor." Fury was speaking directly to Selvig now, never mind that there was another person in the conversation as Carter was continuing to type away on the computer in front of him. "Harnessing energy from space." Fury spoke confidently and frankly, it was almost too confidently.

"But we don't have the harness." Selvig explained patiently, being much more than Carter ever could think of being. "Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, just some low levels of gamma radiation." It was a hard sentiment to believe, after what had happened to Doctor Bruce Banner with the forming of the Hulk.

"That can be harmful." Fury pointed out and now he was on the same track as Carter apparently, when he was looking back around from the Tesseract to look at the two of them. "Where are the two Bartons then?" Director Fury asked.

"The Hawks?" Selvig scoffed at the names rather quietly at the nickname of the agents that they had been given as helpers. "They are up in their nest, as usual." Selvig pointed up at where Clint Barton and also, his eldest daughter Montana Barton, were crouching as they surveyed the room.

"Director Fury?" Carter asked and Fury sighed at the words, recognizing the clear impatience.

"Go and help Coulson with the evacuations on the upper levels." The Director of SHIELD ordered and then rather swiftly now, Carter was nodding and he was letting the suit close around him. Carter swiftly flew up into the air, flying out of an opened ceiling shaft that they had cut open for him.

Carter was ordering people through the parking lots and into the various vehicles and he was directing people by use of a PA system, that he had remembered to install into his suit, just after the terrible Ivan Vanko incident at the Stark Expo, before he went back to school.

"Barton has turned! Go after him, they have the Tesseract!" Nick Fury ordered as Carter's eyes lit up from behind the suit.

"On my way!" Carter called and he was diving down towards the tunnel entrance, before it was forcibly closed by a blast. "All right then, I'll make my own!" Carter said as he blasted through the tunnel roof and was swiftly flying after the jeep at the top speed that he could.

Carter blasted at the vehicle repeatedly in front of him, before he heard a cry. Carter spun around and blasted at the debris that was coming down on Maria Hill's vehicle.

Carter managed to dive into the debris as she grabbed Maria, dragging her out of the wreck of the Jeep and Maria was nodding quickly.

"Thanks, kid." Maria stated as he was shaking his armored head. "No. I will get people on search and rescue for the men buried underneath. But right now, I really need you to do something even more important." She said and Carter lifted his eyebrows.

"What is more important than search and rescue for your men and women, that are stuck under hundreds of pounds, closer to tonnes of rubble and debris?" Carter asked and Maria sighed.

"Montana Barton and her father Clint Barton, they've both been compromised by Loki. I need you to go and find Hunter Barton and I need you to explain to him, what has happened." Maria stated and she was looking at him. "And then, you have to meet Coulson at the Stark Tower, in New York City." She said as Carter sighed.

"So... You are telling me Hill, that I am the one who has to go and find Hunter Barton, who hasn't been heard from in months and I'm the one that has to tell him, that his dad and twin have been turned?" Carter asked and Maria nodded. "Oh... So, just give me the fucking easy job, why don't you." He said as she sighed.

"Get going Carlson, before I change my mind and decide to send you off after Dr. Bruce Banner instead." Maria stated and Carter rolled his eyes, before his helmet was closing back over his face and now, Carter flew back up into the air and he took off at a high speed.

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