19|The Expo

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It had been a day since the twins had left and around a few hours less, since Tony had managed to be focused enough on his own to create the new element that their family patriarch Howard Stark, had talked about in the old videos.

Kiara heard a chirping sound from next to her and she glanced to her left to see that D.U.M.M.Y was holding out a mug to her and Kiara smiled faintly at the sight. "Hey, thanks." She said as she took the mug from him as she had a big sip of the brown and black liquid that was what she found out after the fact, was actually a combo of dark roast and medium roast coffee, a strange combination for her at least.

"You miss them, don't you?" Tony asked and Kiara started in surprise as she had been so lost inside of her own head, that she hadn't even heard him coming over to her. "My daughter actually made a few friends outside of me, Pepper, Rhodey and Carter, wow." Tony murmured and Kiara glared at him. "Sorry, too soon?" He asked and he walked over to D.U.M.M.Y, as Kiara drank her coffee patiently. "Dummy, you, can we clean up this mess? I mean, you're killing me. You know that I don't..." The phone started to ring and Kiara spun around in her chair to look at the phone.

"Phones are back." She remarked casually as she finished her coffee and got herself another one.

"Incoming call from someone with a blocked number, sir." Jarvis said and Kiara raised her eyebrows, as Tony spotted her look.

"Don't get too excited, kid." Tony reminded her gently and Kiara's face fell slightly, before she brought her cup of coffee back to her seat. "My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely." Tony said to Jarvis and to himself, as Kiara still had an earpiece in her ear with a small sigh.

"Coulson. How is the Land of Enchantment?" Tony asked as he picked up the phone, just assuming that it was their favorite S.H.I.E.L.D agent as usual.

"Hey, Tony, how you doing?" At the sound of Ivan Vanko's voice Kiara was frozen in her seat. "I double cycle."

"You what?" Tony asked.

"You told me that double cycle is more power. Good advice." Vanko said and Kiara started typing on her computer as quietly as she could and Jarvis, he started calculating to find Vanko's location as fast as he could.

"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy." Tony remarked as he was glancing at Kiara for an update as she shook her head.

"Nothing yet." She mouthed and he was gritting his teeth, as he turned to the screen again to talk to Vanko.

"You too." Vanko replied with loud laughter as Tony put him on mute and they were good to speak freely. "Now, the true history of Stark name will be written. What your father did to my family over 40 years, I will do to you in 40 minutes. I hope you and your daughter are ready, not even your archer will be able to save you." The phone was hung up and Kiara looked at Tony, as he took out the old arc-reactor and put the new one in.

"Jarvis, my suit!" She called out and Jarvis assembled it, as Kiara stepped into the Mark II. The suit closed itself around her, as she inhaled as she had her phone dialing.


"Hey." Kiara said as she was putting her phone into her jacket pocket as Jarvis transferred the call to her suit. "How soon can you get to the Expo?"


Twenty minutes later, Kiara flew alongside her father and with twin thuds, they both landed in front of Rhodey in the suit.

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