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After losing my best friend, my brother and my dad life has been ruined for me. It didn't feel like living at all. I was just a soul, flying around the world, looking for a reason to keep living. Looking at myself in the mirror was so hard for me now. The only thing I saw was rage and madness all over this face. I just wanted to know who did all those shitty things to my dad.

Thinking about it, it really did change my life. Unfortunately, it changed it for the worst way possible.

Me, growing up, always had big dreams. I wanted something that would make me feel better and also wealthy. Love was not running anywhere anyway, so all did was to focus on my studies for the life I always wanted to live.

My older brother, Phuwin, was a great person. He always knew how to help me and my other brother, Dunk. Us three, we were always together while growing up. We had different personalities and interests too, but it made us more inseparable. We had a great life. Having parents like in the nineties romance movies, a two floor house with a garden, vintage lifestyle.

Phuwin was mostly interested in instruments. If you lived in our universe, you could barely see him leaving his room. He always played his brown glowy piano, made some dumb ass lyrics which me and Dunk loved when we were kids.

Dunk was the opposite of him. He was only concentrated on his love life. His boyfriend, Joong, who was my best friend, was literally the love of his life. They were going to get married if that day..

Never happened.

The same ass shit happens in every fucking romance movie, where the villains come as innocents and play the dumb game. I never even understood why this cliché in every movie. I always wondered why these things happened to people like us. I never thought that this might be the reality. Maybe that's why I always hated movies.


Family of Jirochtikuls.

Our dad was working with them for a while now. From what my mom told me, he even knew them before I was born. These people gave lots of money to my dad, but they gave him something more than that too.

Stress. They made him work his ass off and he would explode to us as usual. Now, the last straw was when my dad got arrested because of them.

But it wasn't that easily in the world where I am alive.


"I'm so sorry to tell you this, but Mr. Phuwin, your brother's condition is not going any well. Whenever we enter the room, we see the food all over the floor and him trying to hurt himself. We keep as few as furniture as we can, just to be sure that there is nothing dangerous around. At least there is nothing for him to use to hurt himself."

Phuwin stared at his brother's doctor desperately. His eyes were looking for help, his heart sank hearing these words everytime he came here. He was never going to get used to this situation.

"Isn't he taking medicines?"

"Unfortunately, if we give him, he is throwing them away. A few days ago, a few nurses tried to make him take medicines forcefully, but he ended up pushing and harming one of them. I think we should really go strict and serious on him."

"Isn't this serious and strict enough?"

"We don't know, we really don't, I apologize sincerely. It is my first time seeing a patient like him even though I have been working here for the last 24 years. He is full of rage, but for who? The person who arrested your dad, his boyfriend, or himself? He seems like a good guy really, sometimes when he calms down, I watch him play with butterflies that lean on the window."

"My brother is not gonna be okay, isn't he?"

Mrs. Baiyern bowed her head and excused herself to leave. She didn't have the right to talk here. She couldn't say anything true or wrong. Phuwin only needed to accept his brother's condition. But he couldn't. Who could actually? Everything was going so hard in their life already, and this mental hospital bills were an another burden for them.

Phuwin took out his phone from his pocket and checked the time. It was getting late. He called Force, from their friend group, to take him home. He had no idea where Gemini was and he honestly didn't care because Gemini knew what to do. If he wasn't around, he was probably feeling bad.

Meanwhile Gemini, totally shocked and devastated, was in a ice skating competition. Yes, you heard me right. He was watching the latest competition of this year, and the only thing he could concentrate was how perfect this guy was skating.

He was shining, it felt like he wasn't skating, but ice was a part of him that he was dancing with. His black hair, dark eyes and silky skin was very pretty. He was the best skater for the last few years. Everyone knew him, mostly because of his family.


"..and, 2024 ANYX 14th Ice Skating Championship Trophy goes to.. Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul!"

As expected. Not gonna lie, he really deserved that. People mostly thought that he was getting those with money or reputation, but there were so many people who thought that he was a natural. He was the ice prince. He knew how to move his legs very well, and his hands were always in actions like someone was carefully controlling them.

He was mesmerizing, and to be honest, I was mesmerized. I was so manipulated by his presence, knowing that I was only going to be by his side just for my revenge plan. I could easily deny if he was pretty, because the only thing I could see was hatred.

My family was ruined because of them. Now, I was going to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Maybe love wasn't really stronger than hate. If it was, I would be done, so bad.

I watched him hold his trophy, he had this awkward smile on his face. His teeth were showing, and at that moment I realized that I've been watching him without blinking.

He thanked everyone and a loud cheer came from the audience. He was so easily lovable, he had so many talents. Of course, I knew all about him because I have been stalking and watching him for a while now. I saw all his latest performances, his videos on the internet, his face on many many brand icons. He was a top-tier. If I was a woman, I would also stay here in the crowd and scream his name.

Only, how I wish, Nattawat, we met in another universe. Maybe somewhere I could bear my own anger and feelings.

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.

This is the psychological way to explain what is anger.

But, have you ever thought why we get angry?


Hello! Grab your popcorns and drinks because your favorite authors just made a collaboration!
Me and my dear zepzunni made a collab with a very strong plot because we love A STRONG ONE!!

The storyline belongs to both of us and cover was made by zepzunni 🫶🏻

We really hope you like this one because we have been before on this like forever, and it has been ready for a while now.

Read at your own risk 🫣

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