Lisa thought about the conversation she heard before and her evaluation of a certain girl, her cheeks blushed.

Well, you should really stay away...

She nodded seriously.


Under the pine tree outside the school gate, the two boys were silent for a while.

"Fucking trough so cute—" Mingyu seemed to wake up suddenly, and vigorously patted the yellow hair beside him, "I fell in love at first sight!"

Dk grinned as he was slapped with that slap, and he slowed down and gave Mingyu a vicious look: "I fall in love at first sight every day, and I will forget it in seven seconds. Are you a goldfish?"

"...Fuck, Dk, don't want your mouth, I'll tear it for you!"

Mingyu was about to jump on, when the phone in his pocket rang.

Mingyu took a look and frowned.

"Brother Yu said that Jaehyun didn't want to let him go for a while and let us go first."

Dk also frowned: "The third middle school has always been thinking about calculating his affairs during this period. You can send a text message to Brother Yu."

"Okay," Mingyu agreed, typing on the text message, "I don't know what my surname is after I changed my boss. Those grandsons are really overwhelming. If it weren't for Brother Yu, I really want to take a few. A brother beat them up."


When Lisa got acquainted with the new environment and left the First Normal School, it was already 12:30.

The Fulin Garden where grandma's house is located is not far from No.1 Middle School, so Qin Qing stopped calling a taxi and walked towards her grandma's house.

Lisa regretted it after walking about half the distance.

—This is the first time she has walked this section of the road. I thought there would be no problem, but now... she seems to be a little lost.

Lisa stopped hesitantly.

She looked at the alley in front of her, then moved her gaze away and fell to the entrance of the alley in front. She swayed for a while, still not sure which one it was.

After struggling, Lisa decided to call her grandma.

However, after listening to the voice dedicated to Alice for 45 seconds, Lisa couldn't wait for the sound to be connected.

According to the degree of grandma's ear back, she must have no hearing aid...

Lisa narrowed her mouth and dialed her mother instead.

This time it didn't ring for 45 seconds—the number was turned off.

"In a meeting again..."

Lisa couldn't help but wrinkled her little nose helplessly, and squatted down by the convenience store next to this alley, looking down at the Corgi lying on the ground in front of her, basking in the sun.

Seeing that look, it's really more leisurely than myself.

Lisa sighed.

"Little short legs, which one do you think I should take to get to Fulin Garden?"


With a move of Corgi's ears, he raised his head and took a look at Lisa. But after making sure that she didn't have anything to feed, it lay down again without hesitation.

Turning around in the middle, he pushed his tail and Yuanyuan's **** to Lisa.

Lisa was not depressed, and continued to ask:

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