Chapter 10

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Maka's POV:

As I slowly open my apartment door the sight before sends chills down my spine. The bathroom door had been completely torn to shreds. Scattered pieces of wood laid across the floor. Some objects had been moved out of place and the coffee table was on its side. Soul was sitting on the couch shaking. What really shook me was the body laying on the floor with cuts and blood covering Soul.

I slowly entered against my will. After hearing footsteps Soul whipped his head in our direction. His eyes appeared to be puffy and his face was tear strained. His eyes were widened in fear.

He slowly stood up and walked towards us, his legs shaking. Kid walked up towards him pulling him into a hug. Soul weakly wrapped his arms around Kid and put his head on his shoulder. Soul's legs then gave out. Kid went down with Soul at a slow rate to not hurt him. Soul started to sob into Kid's shoulder.

The rest of us stood petrified at the scene before us. There was a injured man in the apartment. And what makes it worse is that it was Soul's dad. He hurt his own dad.

After sometime Soul began to calm down enough to talk.

"What happened?" Kid asks leaning Soul against the wall.

"I-It's all a blur... all I remember is breaking down the bathroom door and seeing that only he was in here and suddenly I was charging at him" Soul says still very shaken.

"He's not...dead, is he?" Liz asked.

"Nope!" Patty said checking his pulse. We all let out a sigh of relief.

Soul slowly stands up and walks over to his father. They were both injured. From what I can tell Soul hurt himself to try and stop himself from hurting anyone else. And although Soul's father had wounds all over him. They didn't appear to be that serious. Only a few were pretty bad.

"Maka can you get me the first aid kit?" Soul asks. I nod strolling off into the bathroom. I stop at the door as I see blood spots on the floor. I tip toe avoiding them and grab the first aid kit from the vanity cupboard. I run out and hand it to Soul.

Soul begins patching up the serious wounds on his dad and we all begin making our way to the living room and sit down. We attempt to make light conversation to try and easy the situation but it was to no avail. I look over at Soul who finishes up taking care of his dad. He picks him up and takes him to his room, probably laying him on the bed. Soul comes out a few moments later and begins picking up the wood pieces on the floor. I stand up to help him but he insists that he picks up the mess himself seeing as it's his fault.

Soul had completely neglected his wounds which were still bleeding. He still had his fathers blood on him too. He kept cleaning ignoring all of us and his bodies needs.

"Soul" I say. No response. I stand up and walk over to Soul and repeat myself. He slowly looks up and avoids eye contact. I put my hand on his cheek forcing him to look at me.

"Your going to exhaust yourself. I can clean this up or we can do it tomorrow. You need to take care of yourself and take a break after what happened".

Soul shakes his head in response and continues mopping the blood off of the floor.

"Soul!" I yell causing him to jump. "Sorry" I mumble. I grab Soul's hand and lead him over to the living room where everyone else is.

"Do you think the little orge will come back again" Kid asks.

"I cant say for certain. I don't think my dad will be trying to get me to come home anymore so that might lessen it now that he doesn't have a 'partner in crime'.

"You should take care of yourself and then sleep Soul. You deserve it. We'll head out and come back tomorrow, alright?" Tsubaki questions. Soul slowly nods.

Blackstar, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty and stand up and begin to head for the door.

"Are you staying Kid?" Liz asks.


"Alright, be safe" Liz replies.

"Make sure not to fuck!" Patty cheers. Always at the wrong moments. Liz smacks Patty across the back of the head in response. We all say our goodbyes and then it's just Soul, Kid, Soul's dad, and I in the apartment.

Kid stands up and takes hold of Soul's hand and pulls him up. "Let's go clean you up". And with that the two strolled away to the still messy bathroom. I stand up and finish cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

Soul's POV:

Kid starts the water while I just stand awkwardly looking around at the blood on the floor. I hated appearing weak in front of others and the fact that I needed help made it even worse. Showing negative emotions was something I truly despised. I always felt like I had to help other but could never let them help me.

Kid snaps me out of my thoughts by slowly taking my hand in his. I take of majority of my clothes, minus my boxers and get in the tub. I soak down into the water and let Kid clean the blood off of me.

"Your wounded?" Kid said more as a question than a statement.

"Uh yeah...when I was being controlled I basically hurt myself to try and stop myself from hurting anyone else but it didn't really help"

"Your a dumbass" Kid laughed while checking that the gashes on me weren't too bad.

We sat in silence the rest of the time as Kid washed me. After he was done we walked out onto the balcony, overlooking the town. Death City was lit up by the moon smiling down at us with its bloody teeth.

"Thank you" I whisper breaking the silence.

Kid took my hand in his. "Anytime... I love you Soul"

"I love you too" I turn and kiss Kid. Our hands stayed interlocked as we looked out at Death City until it got too cold so we had to go inside. We laid on the couch since my father was in my room.

Kid laid on top of me, he was already sound asleep. I couldn't get myself to fall asleep. I still had the recent events fresh in my mind. Maybe I was scared to go asleep. That if I slept that would mean I was vulnerable. I don't know when he will come back. I don't know if it'll be worse than before. What'll happen when my father wakes up? Will I actually kill him this time instead of just injured him? What will happen to Kid and Maka? Or any of them? All these questions kept me up throughout the night.

Eventually I was truly exhausted. I glance over to the clock that read 5:08. Maka would be waking up in an hour and would force me awake. It would be pointless to go to sleep now.

Makas POV:

I stretch out of bed with a yawn as my alarm clock starts going off. I walk out into the kitchen still in my pajamas. I'm caught off guard by the two bodies cuddling on the couch. Soul and Kid. I smile, a warm smile and reach in my pocket to grab my phone before realizing Soul's eyes are open. He's staring at the celling but it looks like he's in another place far away. Taking in his features I can only conclude he's only gotten very little sleep or no sleep at all. His already lightly existing eye bags have a darker tint to them, his tan skin tone looked paler. And his crimson eyes looked dulled.

"Soul, are you okay?" I ask slowly trying not to alarm him. He lightly jumped none the less but not enough to wake Kid up thankfully. He looked peacefully.

"Yeah" Soul responded finally making eye contact with me for the first time since before the incident. I decided not to press the topic if Soul wanted to talk about it he would. I walked away to begin make breakfast. I was hoping today would be a normal day. I truly was. But all the hoping didn't seem to help.

Soul x Kid ~ BittersweetWhere stories live. Discover now