Chapter 4

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TW sensitive topics violence

Souls pov:

Maka and I walked around for a few hours gathering as much information as we could about these kishins. We are now using Makas ability to see souls to find these kishins. We reach the first one and I turn into a scythe. We take them out one by one. Eventually we take them all out.

"I think we're done" Maka says as we're both exhausted. As easy as they were to take down we took 30 kishins maybe even more. "Yeah" I said heading towards my motorcycle. "Hold on Soul. I sense something" Maka says focusing. "There's a mesiter and a weapon over in that church over there...there's a bunch of people surrounding them" she says pointing. She suddenly looks shocked. "What?" I ask. "All of the souls they suddenly just disappeared. Only the meister and weapon are left" she says. "I wouldn't worry too much about it" I reply. "We should still check it out just to be safe" Maka says. "Yeah I guess so" I say.

Makas POV:

Me and Soul get on Souls motorcycle and ride over to the church. We walk up to the doors and I get a really bad gut feeling all of a sudden. 'I shouldn't open these doors. I can feel it in my bones that something bad is going to happen but... as a meister its my job to protect the academy'. I take a deep breath and open the doors. What was waiting before me was something that would affect everyone in the group especially Soul and even Kid for the rest of our lives.

-time skip-

I stood outside of the infirmary waiting for Stein to come out. My hands were shaking.


It all happened so quick. I was ponding on the door trying to get out but it wouldn't budge. "I told you the doors here only open one way. They open inwards." Says the meister me and Soul came face to face with when we walked through the door. Crona. He was raising his sword Ragnarok in the air ready to strike. Me and Soul are both injured and this meister and weapon are too strong for us. If I blocked Soul would get hurt. If I didn't do anything I would get hurt. I decided my pain over Souls. I closed my eyes awaiting the pain but it never came. I opened my eyes to see blood and Souls body standing infront of me slowly falling to the ground. "Soul!" I screamed as I jumped back in reality.


'Why did he have to do that. If only I was stronger he wouldn't have had to of get hurt. It's all my fault' I hear footsteps approaching. I lift my head up to see a raven haired boy running down the hall. Kid. 'I was hesitant to tell Kid that Soul is in the infirmary but I knew it was the right thing to do. I was hesitant to because he's gonna hate me for not being strong enough to protect Soul.' "Maka, is he okay? What happened?" Kid asked with panic in his while trying to catch his breath. "W-we we're fighting a meister soon to become kishin and I was about to be hit by a blow I couldn't block cause Soul had already taken enough damage so I let it hit me but before it could hit me he..." my voice trails off. I take a deep breath. "He jumped infront of me and blocked it" I finished as I felt a tear fall down my face.

"I'm happy your not hurt, has Stein said anything about his state?" Kid asked. 'He doesn't hate me? And how can he be so calm?'. I look up and even though Kids face looks normal his soul is all over the place. It's obvious Kid wasn't calm in the slightest but he was trying his best to be. "No he hasn't said anything" I say.

Kid leans up against the wall next to me. We stood in silence waiting for Stein to come out of the door. It felt like it had been hours when really it had only be 5 minutes.

"By the way I don't hate you" Kid said. "Really? Also how did you know I was worrying about that?" I asked. "Soul was protecting his meister like every weapon is supposed to. Im obviously not happy about the outcome but Soul cares about you and protected you. I just want him to be okay and make it out alive. And to answer your second question it was obvious you were worried about that." Kid answered. "I see" I say. It's all I could get out.

We stood another few minutes in silence when the door finally opened revealing Stein. "Your able to see him" Stein says and moves aside to let us in. Inside the infirmary there's Soul sitting on one of the beds unconscious with a cord hooked up to him. Me and Kid both stand there processing what we're seeing. A door closes behind us.

"Ive stitched up his wound and he should be alright but I'm afraid some of the black blood from Crona has got into his body. I don't know how this will affect him but for certain I know it wouldn't be good. I'll leave you two here." Stein says then leaves.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to Kid and he has his hands open for a hug. Both him and me both need one right now. I hug him and he hugs back. We stand there in each other embrace for a few minutes as both of us cry. We pull apart and sit down in chairs next to Souls bed. Both of us on one side. I take a hold of Souls right hand while Kid grabs his left on. I rest my head on part of the infirmary bed and try to get some sleep. I've been awake for almost a day and I just need to escape from this sight. I want to be by his side but it hurts to see him like this. A few seconds after I rest my head on the bed I can feel myself starting to drift off.

Kids POV:

I don't take my eyes away from Souls unconscious body. Tears still streamed down my face. I know we had only gotten together days prior but yet it feels like I've been with him for an entirety. I glance over at Maka and I see she's sleeping. I look back over to Soul. "Soul please wake up. Me and Maka need you too wake up. Please. I need you." I say in a quiet voice. The second Maka texted me that you were in the infirmary it felt like my heart stopped for a second. I ran as fast as I could to the DWMA panicking hoping that your okay. I just saved you the other day and I can't have you dying on me. Are relationship still is growing and we're only just starting out but you've already became so much more important to me. I've liked you for years and I was also too scared to tell you. Just the thought of you dying scares me to death. I can't lose you. Your the light of my life. I want to hear your charming voice again. I want to wake up next to you again. I want to hold your hand again. I want to see your ruby eyes again. I want to see your handsome smirk again. I want to kiss you again. Please just be okay.

-time skip-

I sit by Soul day to day waiting for him to wake up. The whole gang has visited a few times. Blackstar visited the most out of all of them. He has too much energy to just stay for long periods of time no matter how worried he is about Soul so he comes multiple times throughout the day and stays for a bit. I have barley left his side. I haven't slept. I've gone home once in the past 4 days to shower. Stein has been bringing me and Maka food since we barely leave his side besides to do the bare minimum of basic hygiene. Finally on the 4th day he woke up.

Stein was checking up on me and Maka when I felt a light squeeze on my hand. My head quickly turned to Soul. His eyes were slowly opening. I squeezed his hand. His eyes finally fully opened. My eyes started watering a bit. "Your finally awake" I say. "Hey" Soul said in a scratchy voice. "Hi" Maka said. Her eyes were also watering.

"I know you just woke up and this is a sweet moment but I have to ask you some questions" Stein said. Soul nodded his head. "How do you feel?" Stein asked. "Fine" Soul said bluntly.
"Do you remember what happened? And if you do tell me what happened" Stein asks.
"Yeah. I got cut protecting Maka" Soul says
"Did you have any nightmares?"Stein asks
I noticed Soul shudder slightly before answering.
"No" Soul replies.
"Alright that concludes my questions. You'll have to stay here for a bit and you'll have to take medicine. Maka if you could go get Soul a change of clothes that would be nice" Stein says.
"Yes professor" Maka says then leaves and Stein follows.

Now me and Soul sat alone in the infirmary. I leaned over and lightly kissed him making sure not to hurt him "I've missed kissing you" I say. "How long was I asleep for?" He asks. "5 days" I reply. "Also did you really tell the truth when answering steins questions?" I asked. He signed. "I mean one yeah but besides that no. My chest hurts like hell and I did have nightmares" Soul replies. I kiss his hand. "Do you want to talk about the nightmares?" I ask. "Not really, right now I just want to hug you but I know that we can't really" Soul replies. "But you should get some sleep. You look exhausted. When was the last time you slept?" he asks putting his hand on my cheek. I haven't since the night this happened which would have been 5 days ago" I said. "Kid, you need to get some rest" Soul says. "Alright, I would love to sleep next to you but I don't want to hurt you so and I don't want to get back problems so I'll just sleep here" I say getting up and laying down on a bed next to Soul. Seconds after my head hits the pillow I can feel myself falling asleep.

Sorry for not posting anything for a while. I completely forgot this existed.
Word count: 1819 words

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