Chapter 5

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TW eating disorder
Vulgar language
Intrusive thoughts?

Narrator POV?

Soul was finally able to return normal operating life. He had appointments with Stein and he still had to take medicine for another week and if something were to go wrong he has to go to Stein immediately. But besides this he was able to live his life freely. He thought he would be able to return to how things were but he didn't realize how much the black blood was really going to affect him.

Kids POV:

As me and Soul walked to his apartment I couldn't help but worry about him. He had been having nightmares ever since the black blood made its way into his body. He's been acting like it's nothing but it's obvious that something is changing inside of him.

When we arrived at Souls and Makas apartment Soul immediately went to get something to eat. Understandably, the food Stein was bringing him didn't look the best.

"Do you want anything?" Soul asked. "No Im fine" I say. Soul raised an eyebrow at me and then turned back to his food. Once he finished his food we went to his room.

"Hey kid, there's something I want to ask you" Soul said. "What is it?" I asked. "Have you been eating enough? I noticed when we went out to breakfast with the gang that you got something small and just now you declined my offer. Along with while I was in the infirmary when Stein brought us food you barley ate anything." Soul finished.

'Wow he's more observant than I thought' "Honestly no I haven't. I mostly only eat when I have to so there sometimes we're times I would go days without eating anything, sometimes even weeks" I replied. "Why?" Soul asked. "It started off with me just hating my body and then eventually food started making me sick to my stomach and whenever I tried to eat I would throw up. I've gotten a bit better with not throwing up but the idea of food still disgusts me." I said. "Kid.. you've got to eat. Baby steps to get you to be able to tolerate food more. And I promise you, you have a perfect body. I know it can be hard to believe and our mind plays tricks on us that makes it seem like our bodies are disgusting but they are not. Your a handsome guy who's body I admire." Soul said with a bit of a red tint on his face.

I leaned over and hugged Soul and he hugged back instantly. "Thank you" i said as a few tears came out of my eyes. "Your welcome, Kiddo" he said and kissed the top of my head.

Souls POV:

As me and Kid hugged my thoughts started swarming. It felt like someone else was in my head. He's vulnerable. You can take advantage of him. You can do whatever you want to him. No why would I do that? You know you want to. It's what you desire. Hell no. I want to protect him so why would I hurt him. Who are you protecting him from but yourself? The kishins, homophobic people, and any stupid person who would try and hurt Kid. And what if the person that would hurt Kid is you? That's absurd. Is it though? You know what you want to do to him. He's right there in your arms. All you have to do is transform your arm into a scythe and chop him up into bits. What the hell! No fucking way would I do that! Who are you? You'll find out soon enough.

I snap out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. "Soul!" I hear a male voice call. I look down to see Kid looking up at me with concern plastered on his face. "Are you okay? You started shaking and you wouldn't answer" Kid said. "Y-yeah Im fine" I said. 'Shit why am I stuttering, that's so uncool' "No your not what's wrong?" Kid asked. "I-" I couldn't form any words. I started shaking more. I think Kid caught on to the fact that I couldn't speak. He grabbed a notebook and a pencil and with a shaky hand I started writing.

It feels like there's another person in my head. Someone that wants me to hurt everyone around me. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially the ones I love. Especially you. If this person can control my thoughts what if they can control my movements? What if they force me to hurt everyone I love. I always thought it was my job to protect others from others but now I have to protect them from me. The person said I would find out who they are soon enough. I don't know how to get them out of my head. You broke them out of my head this time but what about next time? Or the time after that? Im scared Kid. I cant believe I'm admitting this but, I'm really fucking scared.

Kid took a minute to process what I just wrote. "We have to go see Stein" Kid said taking my hand and running to the DWMA instead of taking my motorcycle due to my panic attack.

I was still having a panic attack when we arrived at the DWMA. Kid had to do the taking for me when we made it to Stein. Kid gave him the best paper that I wrote. I was embarrassed that Stein was seeing me in such a vulnerable state but I didn't have much of a choice. "The black blood is affecting you worse than I thought. There's not much that can be done at this point besides keeping a close eye on you. Im gonna leave that task to you Kid cause you guys certainly seem to have a close connection." Stein said in his usual monotone voice. "Yes professor." Kid said. "Oh and also I want you to take this medicine along with the ones you are already taking, these should help to minimize the affect of the black blood" Stein said. Me and Kid then left his office.

Since it's the weekend there should be no one but professors at the DWMA. I wanted to go up to the balcony so I gave Kid a hand cue to follow me since I still couldn't gather up any words. Kid followed me up to the balcony. The sun was setting. We stood and watched the view for a minute of two when I started feeling tears prick my eyes. I turn to Kid as he turns to me. He sees the tears in my eyes and opens his arms for a hug. I let myself be embraced by him as tears start falling down my cheeks. I pull back a bit and kiss Kid. "Thank you for being here for me" I say. "Of course, things will get better Ill make sure of it" Kid says. I kiss him again. There's then a gust of wind and we both shiver. "Let's go to my place or else we'll catch a cold if we stay out here any longer" Kid says. I nod.

Me and Kid went to his place. I've actually never been to Kids house before. I was in complete awe when I saw it. The night went by peacefully. We watched movies and laughed. Played some games and kisses. And eventually we headed off to sleep. Ps his bed is so freaking comfy. The night went by almost too perfectly. No creepy person consuming my head, I got Kid to eat a bit of food. We were both happy. Really happy. I wish things could stay this happy forever, but I know that's impossible.

Word count: 1309

Soul x Kid ~ BittersweetWhere stories live. Discover now