Chapter 4, Deception from Within

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"Help us!"

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"Help us!"

The West City police were on night patrol, their actions on fending off black wearing criminals were for naught.

By the Nightwell, I'm not even sure what went on with these police.

"Oy! Step aside blokes! The heroes are here!" Confidently as ever, Hado announced the appearance of Team Azure to the struggling city.

The police gazed in awe at the sight of me, Trixie, and Hado.

"It's those heroes on the news!"

"Oh don't mind them it's just light shows and tricks!"

"You sure? I heard they were the real deal!"

Since our brother, Daisuke, was absent, Hado was calling out commands, "Shal! Trixie! Get these citizens to safety, I'll take care of the criminals!"

Trixie and I nodded, while she went the opposite direction to save the police, I approached some citizens underneath a destroyed building set ablaze.

Mustering my strength, I lifted the building up and opened a portal blocks away.

It was sad, to see people lose their homes, I relate to that situation, it wasn't fun for me either.

"Thanks mage!"

"You're the best!"

"Aw dammit! How will I get back home now?"

The mixed feelings made me feel insecure, like I did something wrong, I had to set things right, waving my hand and using my power over the arcane arts, I had a present in store for the citizens that lost their homes.

"I promise you, if you buy a lottery ticket within the next 2 hours you'll be sure to win, I've increased your probabilities, use it wisely!" With a heroic smile on my face, I pointed to the portal, the citizens took my advice and left the scene.

As Hado's aura clashed with the desperate crowd of criminals, needless shots of bullets were consumed, "You blokes do know I'm bullet proof and can block all that with my aura right?"

The criminals were shocked, they attempted to run away in fear, however Hado grabbed a thermos Gavin gave him, and pointed it toward them .

"See ya!"


A ray of blue energy shot from the thermos Hado was holding.

In an attempt to outrun the beam the criminals still tried their best, the fear in their faces were amusing.

But they weren't fast enough, play stupid games, win stupid prizes as they say.

Arcane power swirled over the city, the destruction they had caused was undone.

That didn't mean however that there were casualties thanks to these black wearing individuals, Hado began resurrecting them with his Druid spells, while Trixie offered them a portal back to their work places due to this comeuppance interfering with their schedule.

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