Chapter 3, An Evil Red

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Interlude,  Infiltration 

Mechagon City, the liberated city of the Mechagnomes

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Mechagon City, the liberated city of the Mechagnomes. Citizens walked casually down the streets, not a care in sight. One person however stood out like a sore thumb among the crowd of 4 foot cyborgs. 

His name was Daniel, he was a Human Shaman roaming around, talking razed the city, members of the Alliance even frequently visited for the sake of their engineering professions. The citizens waved at him, and greeted him, asking if he was an adventurer needing help. 

How nice the citizens were, but looks are deceiving, inside, Daniel hated everyone in sight, yet he felt that wasn't the right feeling, his anger overshadowed that portion of goodness. 

As he walked down the city some more, he was greeted by a Dwarven adventurer, "Aye lad! How're ya? I was just wondering, how do ye get to Stormwind from here? Ye see, I-" 

Daniel spared no expense with the Dwarf, an anger took over his mind, "Shut it old man!" electricity infused his knee and like a car running over an unfortunate deer, rammed right into the poor Dwarf, knocking him toward a wall, luckily he was breathing still. 

"So.... no directions? What a rude lad!" 

Later, Daniel reached his destination, the house of a clumsy Mechagnome. 

"Aye aye aye! Jasper is gonna kill me! Oh wait, he can't he'll just die too, aye aye aye!" 

The Mechagnome in question was Boltund, Bolt for short, the Supreme Kai of Daisuke's timeline, in Bolt's spare time, when not restoring planets due to Jasper's childish tantrums, he would help Jasper with his Engineering. 

The Mechagnome paced in frustration, waving his hands in the air, "Aye aye aye! How do I create a gun that sends people to the Shadow Realm? That bar of gold steel didn't cut it!" 

Under the radar, Daniel snuck up behind Bolt and inserted a disc into his back. 

"Aye aye-----------" 

The Mechagnome had been incapacitated with a virus that interferes with his memory.

"The fall of Team Azure is eminent! My love will be pleased...." Daniel was ecstatic at the result of his actions, "Now nobody will be able to fix the planets that Ramona will destroy!" 

In an instant, Daniel utilized the power of the elements to destroy portions of Bolt's lab, sadly, nobody could stop him, Bolt had been a prisoner of his own circuitry.

Chapter 3, An Evil Red 

Chapter 3, An Evil Red 

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