Chapter 7, Rangers of the Multiverse

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"Ah! After ten thousand years I'm free! It's time to conquer.... the multiverse and beyond!"

My name is Daisuke, moments ago we liberated Daniel at the clutches of the Sanguinoid Ramona, however she had one trick up her sleeve, by utilizing the last of her power she had absorbed, Ramona summoned and strengthened her mother. Everyone was transported to a sort of mystic realm. 

Observing the area, I questioned out loud, "Where are we?" 

My question would be answered by the wise Nightborne magi, Shaldon, "I think we're beyond the multiverse, just like when we first fought Neon...." 

Recollecting those moments, Hado chimed in, "Ah, I remember that, we whooped Neon, let's do the same for.... she never said her name." 

Leo casted a Mind Vision spell on the gigantic vampire lady, "Her name is Necrotica, and from the looks of it she's deadly serious about destroying all of reality.... There's nothing but damnation within her mind!" 

Selina began bantering with Trixie, "My dad has a weird taste in women... No way this is Ramona's mother..." 

Trixie replied, agreeing with the weirdness of that concept, "Selina, at this point with what we've been through, anything is possible." 

Valentina watched in awe as Gavin and Daniel discussed things amongst themselves, possibly about how Gavin freed Daniel, Valentina went straight into their conversation, "What was that cross? It reminded me of the Naaru us Draenei worship." 

This was no time for a history lesson or discussion, "Guys, there's a big vampire lady right in front of us, I'm not sure why that mongrel let us stay here, but I don't think we should drop our guard." 

Unexpectedly, Necrotica spoke toward the 9 of us, "Oh don't worry, take all the time you need to strategize, it won't mean anything, by the way, the Cosmic Creature is right, my name is Necrotica, as you heard me scream I plan to conquer the multiverse from beyond it." 

The irony amused Hado, "Oh where have we heard that before? What is it with you blokes and wanting to take over all of reality?" 

The rhetoric question went ignored, Necrotica smirking like any typical villainous mongrel we faced, "It's more than just taking it over, I plan to absorb all energy in the outerverse and control everyone, all the while trapping them in an infinite loop of destruction." 

I stood up to her delusions of grandeur, "You're one psychotic mongrel if that's really how you plan on spending reality, what did this world do to you?" 

Necrotica ruffled her hair, I could sense the annoyance in her ki, she mumbled something about the world sealing her and all that, I didn't bother listening as she paced in frustration, I shifted my attention toward my teammates. 

"Hado and Gavin, utilize your Guardian and Brewmaster abilities, you're on tanking duty, Selina and Trixie, stay a long distance, prepare a banishment spell, send this mongrel back to whence she came from! Valentina and Shaldon, you guys are with me, We'll damage Necrotica up close and personal. Last but not least, Daniel and Leo, you two are in charge of healing us, Leo, if you could, now would be a good time to use the Sw-" 


Rushing at immeasurable speeds and disrupting our plotting, Necrotica blasted Leo with a wave of dark energy, he noticed immediately and casted a Power Word: Shield spell, defending himself... barely. 

"Merda! Uck...." The spell was barely enough to defend himself against the likes of Necrotica, Leo's ki was dropping fast!

Daniel turned toward him, dropping a Healing Stream Totem that mended Leo's wounds, "Leo! Dammit bro...." 

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