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HEY!!! Im back ig?? Idk this story was sort of on hiatus for a bit so... anyways!!!!!

ptsd??, panic attack, gay

this content is 13+, and suited for mature audiences only. Viewer discretion is advised.

This chapter wasn't proofread, and i made it in like 20 minutes, so... ive been on a really big writers block for a while now, only being able to write one of my stories. Its been kind of hard to find ideas for this story lmao

But i think im good now, and back on track>:)

1445 words


Billy, Bruce and Finney sat in Bruce's living room bored out of their minds. The others left, and they were out of ideas on what to do. That was when i lightbulb went off in Billy's head. "Can you guys skateboard?" He asked.

"Nah." Bruce answered. "Ive been meaning to learn, but no." Finney also answered.

"We should go to the skatepark! I could teach you guys!!" He said, grinning.

"That sounds fun!! Lets do it!" Bruce stood up, and then helped the other two up. "We should bring Amy too." Billy said, and Finney nodded. He walked to Amy's room, and knocked on the door. Amy answered.

"Yeah?" She asked. "Billy's gonna teach us how to skateboard, if you wanted to come with us." Finney smiled. Her eyes lit up. "Okay!!" She walked out of her room. The four walked to Billy's house, to grab his skateboards. "I only have two, so we're gonna have to all share." He opened his garage. Grabbing the two skateboards, bruce held one, while he held the other. They walked to the skatepark, and it was empty. It was around noon, so they didn't wonder why. The entered through the gate, and billy set down the skateboard.

They had been skating for a while, and finney had finally gotten a hang of it. He was doing good, but he needed to go to the bathroom. He looked around for some portable bathrooms, but there was none. Billy had noticed his look of destress, and walked over to him. "Finn, whats up. You look like you're about to piss yourself." He laughed.

"That's exactly what im gonna do if i dont find a bathroom in the next two minutes!!" Finney said, making him snicker. "Alright, calm down. Just go in the forest." He said simply, gesturing to the forest behind the park. Finney sighed, realizing that was about his only option. "Okay. Ill go do that." He said. Billy nodded, waiting for him to leave. Finney continued to stare at the forest. "Finney, go." He laughed. "O-oh! Right." He ran into the forest. The light from the sun shined through the trees. He went off the forests trail, and went behind a tree. Once he was done, he got back onto the trail. He turned around go back, but the way didn't seem familiar, so he went the other way. He walked for a few minutes, and then realized he was going the wrong way.

'How did i get lost when i only walked one way!!' He wondered. He looked around. It seemed darker than before. The sound of a snapping branch was heard, causing his breathing to hitch as he turned to the sound. Nothing. He slowly walked towards where the sound came from.

There was nothing there. That was until he heard another branch snapping from behind him. His back straightened as he flinched, scared to look. "Finney?" A rough voice was heard, enough to send shivers down his spine. He quickly turned around, and backed up. "What are you doing here..?" Finney asked terrance. He noticed finneys wide eyes, and stepped forward. Finney flinched again, backing up even further. "Get away from me..!" He almost yelled. "Shhh!!! Im not gonna do anything!!" Terrance walked closer. "No! Get away!!" He yelled, backing up still.

"Just shut up already!! Im not doing anything!" Terrance grew angry, raising his hand. Finney shut his eyes. "BILLY!!!!!" He screamed. Terrance stopped moving, eyes widening.

Billy, amy and bruce had heard, and stopped skating. Bruce tried to stop skating, but tripped instead, falling onto his face. Billy ran into the forest to find finney.

"Brat! Shut the fuck up!!" Terrance put a hand over finneys mouth to stop him from screaming. Tears flooded finneys eyes. "Let me go!!" He tried to scream, but it was muffled. "Finney?!" Billy yelled out. Finney and terrance looked over to where it was heard. While terrance was distracted, finney bit his hand.

"Shit!" Terrance let him go, now cradling his hand. "Billy, over here!!!" He yelled. Billy had heard, and ran over to finneys voice. Finding a clearing in the woods, he wasted no time to race over there and help finney in whatever was going on. Seeing terrance grab finneys wrist and fling him against a tree was enough to push him over the edge. He ran over to the two. Grabbing Terrance's shoulder, he punched him in between the eyes. "Ugh!" Terrance let go of finney. "Im gonna fucking kill you!!"

Billy punched terrance once more, sending him to the ground. Bruce and amy found the three, and was now watching them fight. Amy could feel the second hand embarrassment of terrance, watching his full grown self being beaten up by a thirteen year old. Bruce and amy walked over to finney to make sure he was okay. "Finn, you alright?" Bruce asked. Finney was backed into a tree, eyes wide. His breathing was increasing rapidly, as if he couldn't get enough air. His lungs felt like they were cut off, and his vision was getting blurry. "Finn!" Bruce dashed over to him, as he collapsed into the ground.

"Finn, look at me!" Bruce said. Finneys eyes shut, as he tried to breathe. All he could feel was Terrance's hands on him. All of a sudden he was back at home. Terrance threw punches at him, and he was backed into the corner of his room. Terrance yelling incoherent things at him. That was until someone pulled him into a hug. His hand was tugged onto someones chest. "Do you feel my heartbeat, Finn?" Bruce asked. He was back in the forest. Amy looked between the two boys frantically, unsure on what to do or how to help.

"Feel my chest rise up and down as i breathe. Can you copy my breathing please?" He asked. "In." Bruce instructed. Finney breathed in. "Out." Bruce said. He exhaled. This went on for a few moments, until finneys breathing regulated.

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked. Finney nodded.

Amy looked over to billy and terrance. Terrance was on the ground, while billy was still going at him. "I-i think you got him, man.." amy said, looking at the blood dripping down terrance's face. Billy stopped punching the man, and got up.

Billy walked over to them. "Are you okay finn?" Billy asked. "Y-yeah." He answered. Blood dripped down his knuckles, onto the woodchips. "What happened to your hands?" Finney asked. "Its nothing. Bruce do you mind going down to the police station? Its about a three minute walk from here." Billy asked. "Two if you run." He added. Bruce nodded, and ran off. Billy crouched down to finney. "Its gonna be okay, alright? He's not gonna hurt you anymore." He said. Finney hugged him.

"Thank you for saving me." He said. Billy sputtered. "I wouldn't say save. More like— i dunno.. like helped. I dont even need credit, i was just helping a friend out-" he mumbled, until finney cut him off. "Billy, shut up." He ordered, and billy shut his mouth. "Sorry." He apologized. He helped finney up, and they all stared at Terrance's unconscious state on the ground. Billy got him good.

Once the police arrived with bruce leading them, terrance was placed in handcuffs and taken away. The kids were taken to the police station, and waited for marie to pick them up. finney wrapped Billy's knuckles in gauze, while they waited. When she showed up, she was with robin, griffin and vance.

"Finney! Are you okay?" Robin asked, pulling him into a hug right away. "Yeah, I'm fine." He answered, hugging back. When robin pulled away, vance hugged him after. Finney hugged him back too. "Did he hurt you?" Vance asked. "Not much, I'm alright." Finney smiled. "Im gonna beat that bitch up." Vance glared at the questioning room. "Billy already did that." Bruce snickered, along with amy.

Vance smirked. "Right on, man." He gave billy a high five.

Marie took them all back to her house, and they all went into the basement. Ever since vance had saw finney, he hasn't let go of him. Always having to touch him, whether it'd be holding hands, resting his head on his shoulder, or hugging him. Finney didn't mind it, though. When dinner was ready, they all went back upstairs.

𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 / 𝘧𝘪𝘹-𝘪𝘵! 𝘢𝘶 Where stories live. Discover now