BONUS ( First Step)

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"In either way, I need to share ", Meerab said under her breath but Murtasim was able to hear what she said and he smiled but hid his smile immediately because he wanted to know the issue

"There is a case", Meerab continued and held his hand. Murtasim nodded and gestured for her to continue

"And I'm going to lose that Murtasim. I tried my best, I... I", suddenly Meerab started to cry and hugged him tightly which panicked him as he was not expecting her to cry. He knew something was bothering her but didn't know she was hiding her tears from him. He called her name and kissed her head softly as Meerab refused to break the hug. She wanted to stay in his embrace and let him know how that person behaved with her

"It's ok Meerab. That's not a big deal yar. Stop crying Meerab. It happens you tried that's enough my love", Murtasim tried to soothe her with his words but Meerab didn't move a little which panicked him more and tried to pull her and see her face but she didn't leave his shoulder. He understood there was more to it, she was either trying to gain strength or hiding the matter by using the same trick again. But not this time Meerab

" Tell me the actual problem. What happened?", he asked in a strong voice. Meerab understood that her actions were making him angry and she took a long breath before continuing

"The guy... Who hired me for that case insulted me. I tried my best but he... Murtasim it was not my mistake, his case was weak I don't have the energy to go tomorrow and lose the case Murtasim. What should I do?", Meerab asked with tears. Murtasim wiped his tears which fell by looking at her crying and rubbed her back softly

"Don't worry tomorrow I will come with you. Not inside as I'm not allowed but I will be there for you and I will not leave that guy. Why you didn't fight with him?", he asked and successfully made her face him. Meerab looked down and held his hands which were holding her cheeks. She held his hands and closed her eyes tightly to gain strength. She was emotional and needed to let her emotions out. Now she is feeling relaxed by talking to him

"He is going to get punishment for lifetime prison until he gets a hanging order. Moreover, he hired me and t... Taunted me with the same", Meerab replied which angered Murtasim. He wiped her tears softly and took her inside the room as he realized they were standing on the balcony and Anwar might have seen them hugging each other.

He made her sit on the sofa and helped her to drink the water. This is the first case she is going to lose and feel demotivated and defeated which he knew. He knew she must be feeling useless and he needed to let her know she was the most important person in his life. Even though she knows it still he needs to make her feel she is the best lawyer. He sat beside her and asked by holding her hands

"For what punishment?", he asked

"Killing his best friend", Meerab replied looking into his eyes

"Then why were you trying to save him?", Murtasim asked angrily. Already he is angry with that guy for making her cry and this line adds fuel to the fire

"That time I thought he was innocent. But he was a criminal ", Meerab replied

"Criminals ko jeetane ka case kabse ladne lag hai tum? (From when you started taking cases of criminals)You should be happy to lose this case Meerab ", Murtasim said and looked away angrily as blood rushed in his veins thinking of the guy who hurt her. Meerab regretted telling him the truth because she knew now Murtasim was not going to leave that guy. She needs to keep that person away from Murtasim otherwise he will be killed by her husband.

"Don't get angry Murtasim. I didn't know that...", Meerab tried explaining herself when Murtasim interrupted her

"I'm not angry. I am trying to make you understand losing this case is the best option", Murtasim said and pulled her into a hug. He then took Meerab on a long drive taking Meesam along with them to light her mood which worked and Meerab finally laughed when Murtasim giggled while talking to Meesam. She could not understand what they were talking but their conversation looked serious, on asking Murtasim he replied he was just copying Meesam. He doesn't know the baby's language.

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