Two cats and a bot

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The cold wind continued to blow as snowflakes fell quickly to the ground. The green leaves of the oak trees hidden away from sight, now covered by a big white blanket of snow. The sky remained darkened as snow hit the forest floor. Snow bunnies hop around, quickly fleeing as the two cats approach.

Both remain silent as they walk side by side, the only sound being the violent winds and the snow crunching beneath their feet. While Bolt tries to come up with a conversation starter, Kiera keeps quiet, enjoying the silence.

"So uh, Kiera? What are you doing living all alone here in the middle of the woods?" He asks with curiosity.

"Peace and quiet, I suppose, and to keep those wolves from hurting anyone else."

"Oh...don't you ever get lonely?"

"Of course I get lonely, I live in the middle of nowhere."

Her reply makes him a little sad. "Do you have any family? Friends?"

She stays quiet for a moment, before speaking.


He looks at her with empathy, "Same. But...maybe we could be friends? Then neither of us will be alone!" He gives off a friendly smile.

Kiera seems to consider it, then responds, "I'd like that."

The Siamese happily bounces up and down, saying in an exited tone, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be the bestest friend you'll have ever had, I promise!"

She smiles slightly at his enthusiasm, watching as he hops up and down. Her ears then twitch as she picks up a strange sound, stopping in her tracks. Bolt looks at her in confusion, stopping with her.

"What's wro- mph!"

Kiera cuts him off as she quickly covers his mouth with her hand. She looks at him and raises a finger to her lips, signaling for him to be quiet. He nods in response and she removes her hand. She looks around as her ears continue to twitch, Bolt looking confused.

Then, he hears it too. It sounds like somethings approaching them, though it doesn't sound like a snow bunny, or any animal at all. It sounds almost...robotic. The sound continues to grow closer, as Kiera pulls out her sword.

Bolt puts his fists up in a fighting position, though it's clear he's not ready for this, looking quite nervous and almost scared of what's about to come. Kiera, on the other hand, is ready to fight.

The sound of robotic footsteps picks up the pace, and soon it sounds like whatever it is now is running at them. The sound stops, then, it jumps out of its spot behind the trees.

A figure in a dark black cloak with spots of purple on it runs at them, their glowing purple eyes that seem inhuman piercing through them. They have no mouth, and their violet eyes look like fire. Instead of ears, they have what looks like two antennas poking out of the hood of their cloak. They hold their black gloved hands out towards the two cats as their metal feet clang against the snowy ground. It's a robot.

Kiera runs at the robot as well, ready to strike. She swings her sword at the robot, only for her sword to be caught by its cold metallic hands as it pushes her back!

Kiera takes no time to get back up as she violently swings over and over again at the robot, who dodges and blocks her attacks. She finally lands a good hit on the bot and they go flying backwards, Bolt too startled to join in. The robot runs back at Kiera with great speed, springing off of a tree and kicking her right in the stomach.

Kiera makes a small noise of pain, quickly tackling the robot, who squirms beneath her. Kiera looks more annoyed than anything, as she holds the bot down, trying to find a way to shut them off.

Suddenly, a streak of lightning hits the bot as Kiera jumps back and lets out a short scream. She regains her composure, looking over to Bolt, whose hands are out rather than frozen in his previous stance, looking shocked as well.

"...Did you do that?" The black cat asks, slightly impressed.

"I-I think so? I wasn't quite sure what would happen."

Kiera smiles slightly, nodding in respect, "I'm impressed, Bolt. Thought you were just gonna stand there like a wimp the whole time."

"I'm not a wimp!" He pouts.

Kiera chuckles and looks at the robot on the floor, whose body is twitching with blue sparks flying off of them. Kiera flips the bot over, looking at its black rectangular screen as it glitches a bit. Bolt comes closer as well, looking down at the metal that had attacked them.

Before either could say a thing, the robot hood up to their feet, their fire looking purple eyes now replaced with kind and enthusiastic orange dots, an orange smile on their screen with them.

"Hellllllooo there!" The bot says excitedly in a bit of a high pitched and bubbly, almost feminine voice. She no longer seem to be the murder bot she was before.

"It talks?!" Bolt asks as he jumps back in surprise, Kiera looking confused.

"Your lightning must have messed them up."

The bot speaks cheerfully, "I'd like to thank you for that! I don't really like my dark side, I prefer this side! What are your guys' names?"

The Siamese smiles, "I'm Bolt, and this is my friend Kiera!"

The bot smiles back, "Bolt and Kiera? Cool names! I love 'em! I don't actually have a name. Well, I do, but I dont remember it. Last thing I remember my creator dumped me in this forest and never came back for me!" Even while talking about something sad, she remains cheery and with a smile while Bolt gives a sympathetic look.

"You poor thing!"

She just smiles, "But that's okay, I'm sure you guys will be my friends, right?" She looks almost...hopeful.

Bolt leans over and whispers to Kiera "Perhaps a robot could be quite helpful on our mission, and she seems quite lonely. We should keep her."

Kiera whispers back, "She tried to kill us not five minutes ago, we shouldn't take that chance!"

Bolt gives her the puppy dog eyes. Although Kiera can easily do the puppy dog eyes better and fight it off, his innocent personality softens her heart.

"Fine. But if she turns on us again, I'm blaming you." She whispers as Bolt smiles with excitement.

"Great! Robot, you're coming with us! And we'll figure out a name for you, I'll try to think of something."

She smiles and spins, "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! So, where're we going?"

"Well, first we'll be off to the Lone-Wolf mountains!"

The bot cheers again, "Okay!!"

Kiera sighs, knowing this is gonna be a long trip as the three walk off through the cold forest.

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