
Start from the beginning


"Do you...wonder how i lost it?"It nodded in response.
"Honestly i don't know i woke up and it was gone...but at least now i dont have a giant scar hehe"The thing nodded and started doing sonething with their hands...oh, sign lenguage!, sadly you didn't understand at all what it mean, yet you tried to translate it.
"I face loss reason don't know too"

So you weren't alone in the "I forgot how lost my body parts" club, thats nice.
"Oh...i see, if you want to you can touch my arm...or what it was in the past i supose"Your "arm" was covered by a sleve from your shirt and it was tied up.
It touched your shoulder and "sayed:it warm...i like" or something like that.
After a while it fell asleep in the floor, you know that because it snored when it fell.

This dream is weird, but you like the company of this thing, it was pretty quiet so you just spend time looking at the sky.
After a while the sky turned a dark blue and the sun turned into the moon out of nowhere, the time here is so fast yet slow at the same time...You were alone now, the thing dissapeared just when it became night and now the vibe was lonely instead of calm, you were used to this honestly, many testing leaved you with not many time to see your friends, wich lead to you being lonely most of the time, holy crap, you were getting emotional out of nowhere just because you were thinking of your life, pretty ###### up life you had, being a tester its hard, you just wished to be like a player, just playing arround in random games when you wanted to, make friends pretty easy and just...ugh whatever, you just brushed all those thoughs off since you didn't want to cry or just get more emotional, it was your job and your point in life...literaly, so you nedded to get used to this moments.

(A/N:Y/N is like an introvert who dislikes people yet they dont like being alone)




You were walking arround, thinking of what you would do to meet more characters, Zack is probably looking for you now that you think about it, you hope he wont get that worried about you...
This world seemed like it was an endless loop, same patern of trees with feet, same clouds, everything was the same over and over again, you looked to your right and surprisinly there was a house there, it looked like your home, exept for the fact that it was less colorful, all the colors it had were darker now, seems that you're an emo in here.

You went inside the house, it looked the exact same, it was obvious it was yours but now the house has depressed and was saying:"It"s not a fase mom, it's a life style!", anyway, you went to your room and powered up the computer, looking for a game to play since the dream was getting pretty boring...there, the game butted up starting with a menu screen, you pressed play and started doing random stuff while talking with other players...wich you suppose that were bots since it was a dream.

You were having a fun time walking arround in the game but...something was off, you feeled watched, so you closed the game and looked over your windows...nothing, you must be alucinating.
You left your house and went to walk again, since you didn't feel safe in there anymore, it was day now, and the sun was shining way to much, ow, but that doesn't matter right now.You were tired, you didn't know why but you tough that you were waking up since thats what happends when you're in your dreams and you have to wake up, so you passed out in the floor and woke up inmediatly before hitting it.




Time goes fast right?, the special round already started and you had no idea what it was, what a shame, you walked arround hoping the round isn't quiet or invisible again, now thinking of where were Zack and Jard, because this place is pretty lonely, no one arround, just you and the darkness...wait, are those...footsteps?.
You looked arround trying to find the place of where the footsteps were coming from, it was just one person, you though you were alone, but it seems that you were probably wrong, you didn't stop feeling watched and after a while of staying frozen it didn't putted it's eyes off you, it wasn't like the other time, instead of feeling comfortable and protected you feeled the exact opposite: Uncomfortable and in danger.

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