YOU??!! - Magnus Pt.1

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          There was a new einherji at floor 19. The regular crew, consisting of Magnus, Alex, T.J, Mallory and Halfborn just returned from lunch, when they noticed a new door. "Who's the newbie?" Alex wondered aloud. "Why don't we go knock?" T.J suggested. While T.J and Alex went to greet the new einherji, Magnus, Mallory and Halfborn resigned to their own rooms.

           "Hi, I'm T.J and this Alex. We're your new hallmates, rather, you are ours!!" T.J introduced brightly when a girl opened the door. She was pretty, at least, above average, with black and wavy shoulder length hair, a petite figure of, about, 5'3 and partially heterochromic eyes. Half of her right iris was blue while the rest of it was brown. It was really enchanting to look at. 

          "Hi... You're also dead?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "Yep." Alex answered. "We're also dead, like you." "Cool... Please don't mind me right now. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that I'm dead and I'm spending an afterlife of sorts in an interdimensional, Norse hotel for the dead." she rambled, letting out a hysterical chuckle. "My valkyrie said I'd have to present myself at dinner to recite my brave deeds, so looking forward to that. Thank you, good bye." The new girl promptly shut the door and Alex and T.J heard some nervous laughter from behind it. They looked at eachother, shrugged and went back to their rooms.

          Dinner time finally came around and the newbie was escorted by her Valkyrie to recite her glorious deeds. "Our next einherji, Y/N Frost." As Y/N's valkyrie recited her deeds, Y/N zoned out, thinking about her life- Sorry, afterlife.  She thought about how her valkyrie had said that her hallmates had saved the world couple of times.

          That's gonna be a lot of pressure. She thought. The applause of all einherjar brought her back to Earth- Wait, no, to the interdimensional hotel.  "So, uhh.. Valerie, what do I do??" "I know you zoned out but, you eat." "Aahh.. That I can do. Wait, is this beef??" "Yeah?" "Can I have mutton or chicken?? I don't do beef. It clashes with my Hindu beliefs..." "How- You know what, I don't even care. I'll get you mutton." Valerie said, shaking her head.

          All the einherjar began leaving and Valerie finally said that Y/N could go join her hallmates in Floor 19. Y/N stood in the elevator, wondering how she was going to introduce herself. "Hey guys, I'm Y/N and I'm dead. No, that's bad. Watcha doin' bitc- That's worse." she groaned as she decided she'd say whatever comes to mind at that moment.

          "We've got a new hallmate, yeah. Magnus, you didn't see her?? That's why you come to dinner..." Y/N heard Alex say. Magnus?? It can't be... She thought as she walked out. When she finally saw who Alex was talking to, she felt like she was being punched in the gut. Magnus turned to look at her and he looked just as shocked as she felt.

          "YOU??!!" They both said simultaneously. "You, both. Know each other??" T.J asked, thoroughly confused. "Yeah... We kinda went to school together." Magnus said, warily checking Y/N out. "Magnus. I am so sorry about what I've said when we were in eighth. I shouldn't have said that and I've developed into a much more mature young la- Actually, no. I haven't, but that's besides the point. I do know much better now." Y/N rambled on, her tone apologetic.

          Only then did she notice everyone staring at her. "Middle school drama." she said and they all nodded. "Y/N, we'll discuss about that soon... I've got lots of things I wanna say." "I understand. Sorry again. Good night everybody. I'll get to know you properly tomorrow. Buh-bye!!"

AN: Be on the lookout for Part two.


Signing out <3

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