Fury rolled her eyes and sat down on a desk.

Then Robin reported that the S.T.A.R. Labs building was destroyed and all the intel probably gone. Fury felt a headache coming on from all these problems.

Aqualad gave the order to track where the Fog would be next and that they were moving the Doctor.


Fury stood next to the doctor, but was also spreading her senes as much as she could.

The decoy was in another building, with MM acting as the doctor. Fury was the real doctor's giard just in case.

Aqualad just arrived and he looked at Roquette.

"I almost got it," she announced to the two water controlers, except one's powers aren't secret and the other's is.

Then Fury sensed someone coming towards the building.

"We have company," she whispered to Aqualad. "I'll go outside to try and deal with them, keep the doctor safe."

Aqualad nodded and Fury exited with silent footsteps. When she arrived she saw Artemis knocked out and the other person was nowhere.

Cursing every god Fury knew, she jumped down from the roof and made her way back to the cuilding to see Roquette being held at sai point.

AN: A sai is a traditional close contact martial arts weapon used for both striking and blocking.

Fury watched for a second longer before jumping down, on top of cat–mask.

Cat–mask threw her off and stepped back.

Fury jumped forward and was met by a sai.

"You're skilled," the lady purred as Fury blocked another jab and tried to sweep the cat lady.

"What's your name, cat–obsessed lady?" Fury askked as she delivered a well aimed punch, which caused cat–mask to stumble back.

"Cheshire," she answered, then Fury noticed the flash bomb she held.

Fury tried to cut Cheshire's arm, but just missed. The bomb went off and Cheshire was gone.

Fury shook her head and ran to Aqualad's side, slung an arm over her shoulder and let him lean on her as she, Roquette and Aqualad walked—in Aqualad's case, stumbled—out the building.

"She, uh... She got away," Artemis answered Aqualad's inquiry.

Fury's eyes narrowed at the obvious lie. Hesitation and avoidance of eye–contact? Yep, Artemis was hiding something.

Then again, so am I so I can't judge. However, this blatant lie about Cheshire getting away, I wonder... Fury shook her head and looked down.

Cheshire's mask was on the floor, and Fury's eyes narrowed further—if possible.

"It was dark," Artemis defended angrily.

I don't buy that, Fury thought, but decided not to pry.

Aqualad welcomed Artemis and Fury put on a show smile so that Artemis didn't see her suspicion.

"Nice to have another girl on the team. Can't wait for all the chaos we can cause," Fury said with a wink and Artemis smiled back.


Percy bit her apple and smiled at her mother, who was writing down ideas for her book.

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey. How was the mission?" Sally asked in return.

"Good. We got a new teammate, who can use a bow and her name is Artemis. Ironic, isn't it?" Percy answered, taking another bite of her apple.

Sally chuckled, ruffling Percy's already messy hair. "Your birthday is in ten days, so what do you want to do?" Sally asked.

Percy spat out the piece of apple she was chewing and stared at her mom. "Wait! It's the eighth of August?!"

"Yes it is, Percy. Now clean that up," Sally answered and Percy immediately did.

"Ok, I want to go to the beach with you, Bruce, Dick and Alfred. Grover can't because he told me last week he is on an important mission, I think there's some demigods he's looking for. Annabeth and Thalia can't because they're busy that week, so guess it would just be us five," Percy told Sally and Sally nodded.

Alright, I'll organize something with Bruce."

"Thanks mom." Percy yawned, finished her apple and threw away the core then trudged to her room and had a shower.

She collapsed in her bed and woke an hour later to screaming from her dreams.

Holding her head, Percy walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. She filled it up with water and drank it, then sat and started cheking Artemis' file.

Percy had been right to suspect the girl.

Not GA's niece, obviously, but she is skilled. Her mom's history is... messy. Dad and sister are... what the Hades?! So that's why– Oh my gods!

She shook her head, closed the file and went to grab a blue cookie that was left over from yesterday's baking.

She made herself a cup of chamomile tea—Alfred had gotten her hooked and tea tasted pretty good at odd hours in the morning—then curled up on the couch with a book called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

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