Chapter Two - Meeting Lily

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My heart was pounding wildly and I couldn't hear my own thoughts, I was too busy think about meeting Lily. Mrs. Botha had given me Lily's file and I was so immersed in reading everything about her, I hadn't realised we had pulled up outside of her school. I scanned the parking lot and waited for Mrs. Botha to move first.

"If you can just wait in here, I will go and talk to the school first and then we can take it from there, is that okay?" Mrs. Botha asked from beside me. I looked at her and nodded. She exited and I released the breath I was holding. HOLY SHIT! I'm going to be a mother! My phone started ringing in my bag and quickly reached forward to retrieve it. 

"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Hello? Hello? Is that all you can say to your mother, who is only just finding out ABOUT THE ADOPTION! Your father just told me what is going on, Cameron why didn't you tell me earlier?" My Mother practically yelled down the phone.

"Mum! Stop yelling! I didn't tell anyone if that makes you feel better!" I said to her while rolling my eyes.

"BUT I'M YOUR MOTHER!" Bloody hell this lady is going to have a fricken heart attack.

"Well you're one to talk, you kept the truth about my father from me 26 years." I stated as I scanned the car park again. She was silent and I instantly felt bad, she had already apologised and here I was throwing it back in her face. "Mum, I'm sorry, that was out of line."

"No, you're right. I just can't believe you're going to be a Mother...AND I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!" She squealed down the phone. "What is she like? How old is she? Oh, when does she come home?" Mum asked excited. 

I looked down at the file that was in my lap and read over it carefully. "Well, her name is Lily Still and she's 13 years-old. She was removed from the care of her mother at the age of 8 and has been in foster care ever since. She plays rugby and basketball. She's part of her schools' choir and she loves to read. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and she is seemingly a healthy girl. She's had four adoptions fall through. I can't imagine being seen and not being wanted. She's had a hard life Mum and I'm scared I'm going to screw it up." I said honestly as I blinked to clear the mist that had covered my eyes. 

"Love, I'm not one to give advice, I lied to you for 26 years remember. Just know that no mother is perfect, not a single one. You're brave and you can do it. She just needs love." She went quiet for a small moment before she spoke again. "So, you're father told me that he found a naked Jack in your room and a very naked you crawling on the floor, he was horrified." She said while she started chuckling to herself. Fuck sakes. 

"Mum," I growled.

"Well, Jack is a very nice and good looking boy and I heard he is going to stay by your side. Cameron, tell me, is he good in the sack?" 

"Goodbye Mum!" I ended the call and quietly laughed to myself. The horny old hag!

I looked up and saw Mrs. Botha waving at me to come inside. I all of a sudden became nervous again and hopped out of the car. We entered the building and she smiled at me before leading me into a small office to the left. There was a small table in the middle of the room and four chairs around it. Lily wasn't here yet. I let out a deep breath and sat at a chair Mrs. Botha had signalled too. 

"She was in class so they have sent someone to get her. Also, Lily's foster Mother will be joining us when she arrives. No need to panic, you get to meet you're daughter." She grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it tightly giving me a boost of confidence. I could do this, Lily needs me. We sat quietly in this small room and Mrs. Botha flipped through her paper work. It had only ticked onto two minutes and it felt like two hours. Then there was a quiet knock on the door. Fuck me! I swallowed inaudibly and waited for the door to open. There was a large man, whom I assume was the principle, who came in first and then there she was. She had the most beautiful eyes in the world and she wore a shy smile. I stood up when she entered and became scared when she stood still in the doorway. She doesn't like the look of me, great.

"Lily, please come in." Mrs. Botha said as she stood and escorted Lily to the seat across from me. She was so much tinier than I imagined a 13 year old girl being. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, my little girl. She looked down at the table and then looked up slowly to me. 

"Hi." I said in a soft voice. She smiled and it warmed my heart beyond words, I smiled back and we stayed like this for a little. 

"Hi." She said back with a small smile. Her voice was quiet and soft, a lot like her. We both laughed and the tension had lightened somewhat. 

"Lily, this is Cameron, your Mum." Lily looked up at me and tears had slowly started to run down her face.

"Really?" She asked as she wiped at her tears.

"Yes." Mrs. Botha said shakily as she too started to cry. I couldn't help but start to cry also as Lily started to sob quietly. I stood up and walked to her seat and knelt down on my knees and pulled her into me. She hugged me back. My daughter was hugging me. After a while I let go of her and pulled out the chair next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I passed her the tissue box. 

"Yeah, I just can't be-believe th-that someone actually wants me." She sobbed out while wiping at her tears. "I've been in fo-foster care for 6 years and I ne-never thought I would see the day. I gave up hope."

"Well believe it, because you are coming home with me tomorrow. You will get to meet Lisa and Bart they're your dogs. You will also meet your Nana and Papa who are so excited to meet you. You also have one aunty and two uncles, but your aunty just got married so she's on her honey moon. You'll meet her when she comes back. Plus, you will get to meet Jack, he's my...partner." I smiled at her, wiping away my own stray tears.

"You have two dogs?!" She asked excited. 

We stayed talking for an hour an a half before I had to leave. "I promise you, I will pick you up tomorrow at 10 am. What do you say about missing school tomorrow?" Her smile was so bright that I couldn't help but laugh. 

"I think that's the best idea, ever!" She hugged me and I hugged her back unwilling to let go of my daughter. 

I am a Mother. Fuck me.


Thank you for reading! I hope you like it and that you carry on reading and watching the bond between Cameron and Lily grow. Don't be afraid to click the like button if you enjoyed this chapter. Also don't be afraid to comment, I like to hear what you think of each individual. Take care!


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