Chapter 7: Clones and Compassion

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Sasuke and Nina, having finished their breakfast, walked to the academy with a sense of purpose. The morning sunlight painted a golden hue over the village, and the academy's familiar gates welcomed them. Despite their undeniable skill and the whispers that followed their every step, the Uchiha siblings paid no heed to the attention.

Entering the classroom, they took their seats with a calm demeanour, unfazed by the inquisitive glances from their classmates. The Uchiha name carried weight, but Sasuke and Nina were determined to let their actions define them rather than their lineage.

While waiting for the class to begin, the siblings engaged in a hushed conversation. Their minds, honed by countless hours of training, speculated on the nature of the final exam. Sasuke, ever analytical, discussed potential scenarios with Nina.

Sasuke leaned towards Nina, his voice barely audible above the soft hum of conversations in the classroom. "I won't be surprised if the exam focuses on chakra control"

Nina nodded in agreement, her gaze focused and contemplative. "Yes, but I also think they might add a twist to it. It wouldn't be a final exam without some challenge to separate the exceptional from the proficient."

Sasuke's eyes gleamed with a hint of approval. "True, we need to be prepared for anything."

Their conversation continued, each idea building upon the other as they mentally prepared for the upcoming challenge. The room around them buzzed with a mix of anticipation and nervous energy, but Sasuke and Nina remained an island of calm amid the storm.

As the final moments of speculation drifted away, Iruka entered the classroom. The amiable teacher greeted them, acknowledging their presence with a warm smile. With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, Iruka began to explain the details of the final exam.

"The final exam will test your ability to create clones," Iruka announced, his gaze sweeping across the room. "A fundamental skill that every ninja must master. It's not just about quantity; quality matters too. Make sure your clones are indistinguishable from you."

A collective murmur rippled through the students. Clones were a foundational technique, and mastery over them showcased a ninja's control over chakra. Sasuke and Nina, however, listened intently, their focus unwavering.

An audible groan escaped Naruto, who sat behind Nina. His struggles with clone jutsu were well-known in the class. Nina, glancing back at him, couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. Naruto's dream of becoming the strongest ninja was often hindered by this basic technique. She exchanged a brief, understanding look with Sasuke, who scoffed at her concern for the blonde idiot.

Iruka nodded at Sasuke, signaling him to follow him to the adjacent room where Mizuki, the second examiner, awaited. The door closed behind them, muffling the ambient sounds of the classroom.

In the smaller room, Mizuki sat with an air of authority, his purple hair adding a distinctive flair to his shinobi appearance. Iruka, standing beside him, addressed the Uchiha siblings. "Sasuke, this is Mizuki. He'll be conducting the practical part of your final exam alongside me."

Sasuke inclined his head in acknowledgment, his expression neutral.The room had an air of seriousness as Iruka explained the specifics of the exam.

"The focus will be on both quantity and quality of your clones. We want them to be indistinguishable from you," Iruka reiterated, emphasizing the importance of precision in their technique.

Sasuke stepped forward with a confident stride, facing the scrutiny of the examiners. With practiced ease, he executed the hand seals, and three perfect clones materialized beside him. The room bore witness to his mastery as the clones stood with identical stoicism.

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